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1/31/20248205590049952-12#&Serrated trowel 49952-12 is used to flatten and smooth plaster surfaces, handle is made of plastic, base is made of stainless steel plate, dimension: (305*115*85.2)mm#&VNLIEN VIET INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LIMITED1200Pieces2784USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202473269099Cooling water pipe for steel plate casting machine 7352892T. Material: stainless steel. Manufactured: VN. 100% new#&VNTDB HA NOI COMPANY LIMITED2Pieces1028.4USCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/202473269099BRACKET PIRS metal support plate, 38*28.6*1.59 mm, steel, 100% new#&VNPOWER BEST VIETNAM CO LTD270Pieces198.72USTANCANG CAIMEP TVAI
1/31/202473269099Details of steel bending plate, painted. Size 130x115x105mm, Item: 136323-001, 100% new #&VNSMCTECH JOINT STOCK COMPANY1Pieces10.2USHA NOI
1/31/202469139090Ceramic decorative plate, no brand, product code 206, (49*59 cm, includes plate + plate base)(100% original)#&VNKIM PHAT FINE ARTS CERAMIC COMPANY LIMITED60Pieces942USNA
1/31/202473269099Face Plate for HBT QH Pump Housing (Pump cover) made of stainless steel for oil and gas valves (100% new product)#&VNTECH SEAL DAIBINH LIMITED LIABITY COMPANY134Pieces474.36USGEMALINK
1/31/202473269099Sofa accessories (Spider plate 60.7*60*35.5*2 mm) made of iron #02192. No brand. 100% new product #&VNDAI GIA MECHANICAL COMPANY LIMITED5233Pieces4448.05USCANG ICD PHUOCLONG 3
1/31/202444219999Color sample plate PILLOW 1 @ BANQUETTE, product made of: oak wood, MDF poplar wood, plywood, Dimensions: 508x508x152 (mm), 100% brand new#&VNPHUC THANG FINE FURNITURE JOINT STOCK COMPANY3Pieces255USCANG ICD PHUOCLONG 3
1/31/202444219999Color sample plate PILLOW 4 @ BANQUETTE, product made of: oak wood, MDF poplar wood, plywood, Dimensions: 508x508x152 (mm), 100% brand new#&VNPHUC THANG FINE FURNITURE JOINT STOCK COMPANY2Pieces170USCANG ICD PHUOCLONG 3
1/31/202444219999Color sample plate SEAT CUSHION 1 ONLY @ BANQUETTE, product made of: oak wood, MDF poplar wood, plywood, Dimensions: 1029x838x76 (mm), 100% brand new #&VNPHUC THANG FINE FURNITURE JOINT STOCK COMPANY2Pieces810USCANG ICD PHUOCLONG 3

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