Get Latest Vietnam Plf plate Export Data to Jp

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1/31/202476169990(Pressing machine details) Aluminum mounting plate - H230301-11-820 - PO number: 313376. 100% new product#&VNSANEI TECHNOLOGY VIETNAM CO LTD2Pieces104.25852JPHO CHI MINH
1/31/202476169990Aluminum Lining Plate used to line electronic parts of semiconductor manufacturing machines, code 5010-664468-11-A, size: 137x35x10mm, 100% new, Manufacturer: KSK Solutions VN LLC, No brand#&VNKSK SOLUTIONS VIET NAM COMPANY LIMITED160Pieces1177.76JPHO CHI MINH
1/31/202476169990Aluminum Lining Plate used to line electronic parts of semiconductor manufacturing machines, code M0204-2, size: 88x80x11.5mm, 100% new, Manufacturer: KSK Solutions VN LLC, No brand#&VNKSK SOLUTIONS VIET NAM COMPANY LIMITED20Pieces227.5218JPHO CHI MINH
1/31/202476169990Aluminum Lining Plate used to line electronic parts of semiconductor manufacturing machines, code K446-R06-102C, size: 182x155x62.5mm, 100% new, Manufacturer: KSK Solutions VN LLC, No brand#&VNKSK SOLUTIONS VIET NAM COMPANY LIMITED5Pieces434.9682JPHO CHI MINH
1/31/202487089495GS110-78690-H#&Aluminum car steering wheel covered with plastic (PU) and leather, fitted with heating plate, diameter 370mm (+/-20mm)#&VNTOYODA GOSEI HAI PHONG COLTD THAI BINH BRANCH360Pieces22676.4JPCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/202487089495GS110-76630-D#&Aluminum car steering wheel covered with plastic (PU) and leather, fitted with heating plate, diameter 370mm (+/-20mm)#&VNTOYODA GOSEI HAIPHONG CO LTD126Pieces4525.92JPCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/2024732690991090901A#&Steel support plate#&VNEBA MACHINERY CORPORATION8Pieces120JPCANG TAN VU - HP
1/31/202473269099QAF2611A#&Steel support plate#&VNEBA MACHINERY CORPORATION1Pieces14JPCANG TAN VU - HP
1/31/202473269099QAR113101#&Steel support plate#&VNEBA MACHINERY CORPORATION8Pieces56JPCANG TAN VU - HP
1/31/202473269099QAR1291A03#&Steel support plate#&VNEBA MACHINERY CORPORATION2Pieces52JPCANG TAN VU - HP

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