3/29/2024 | 84663000 | HSR30XLC-1#&Unprocessed parts of guiding devices used in machine tools | CONG TY TNHH KOYO VIET NAM | 1201 | PCE | 15896.5561 | VIETNAM | NA |
3/29/2024 | 84663000 | HSR30XLR-1#&Unprocessed parts of guiding devices used in machine tools | CONG TY TNHH KOYO VIET NAM | 2183 | PCE | 22442.9864 | VIETNAM | NA |
3/29/2024 | 84663000 | HSR20XLC-1#&Unprocessed parts of guiding devices used in machine tools | CONG TY TNHH KOYO VIET NAM | 1000 | PCE | 4872.4 | VIETNAM | NA |
3/29/2024 | 84663000 | HSR25XR-1#&Unprocessed parts of guiding devices used in machine tools | CONG TY TNHH KOYO VIET NAM | 880 | PCE | 3882.208 | VIETNAM | NA |
3/29/2024 | 84663000 | HDR35V#&Unprocessed parts of guiding devices used in machine tools | CONG TY TNHH KOYO VIET NAM | 419 | PCE | 5288.3247 | VIETNAM | NA |
3/29/2024 | 84663000 | HSR35XLC-F-1#&Unprocessed parts of guiding devices used in machine tools | CONG TY TNHH KOYO VIET NAM | 31 | PCE | 556.7166 | VIETNAM | NA |
3/29/2024 | 84663000 | HSR30XR-SA-B-1#&Unprocessed parts of guiding devices used in machine tools | CONG TY TNHH KOYO VIET NAM | 300 | PCE | 2965.62 | VIETNAM | NA |
3/29/2024 | 84663000 | HSR35XR-1#&Unprocessed parts of guiding devices used in machine tools | CONG TY TNHH KOYO VIET NAM | 726 | PCE | 9162.1926 | VIETNAM | NA |
3/29/2024 | 84663000 | HSR35XLR-F-1#&Unprocessed parts of guiding devices used in machine tools | CONG TY TNHH KOYO VIET NAM | 29 | PCE | 465.7081 | VIETNAM | NA |
3/29/2024 | 84663000 | HSR30XR-SA-A-1#&Unprocessed parts of guiding devices used in machine tools | CONG TY TNHH KOYO VIET NAM | 250 | PCE | 2471.35 | VIETNAM | NA |