Get Latest Vietnam Ion desk Export Data to Kr

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1/31/202485076039A9-KOMP-GC#&Battery for vacuum cleaner, PACK A9 KOMP, Lithium Ion Battery, PACK EAC63382209 (A9KOMP), 100% new#&CNITM SEMICONDUCTOR VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED3037Pieces31799.2122KRCT TNHH ITM SEMICONDUCTOR VIETNAM
1/31/202494039100DVDSCC0126V-WW#&Side panel of 1200mm 6-tier bookshelf, made of MFC board, W1200 6-Story Desk Bookshelf Side Panel, specification 2075*300*55mm#&VNFURSYS VN COMPANY LIMITED204Pieces3973.92KRTAN CANG HIEP PHUOC
1/31/202494039100HVSKD0500-IV#&Bookshelf side panel made of MFC board, side panel desk side panel, specification 795*610*55mm#&VNFURSYS VN COMPANY LIMITED360Pieces7718.4KRTAN CANG HIEP PHUOC
1/31/202494039100DVDSCC0126H-OS#&Shelf plate of 1200mm 6-tier bookshelf, made of MFC board, W1200 6-Story Desk Bookshelf shelves, specification 1230*340*170mm#&VNFURSYS VN COMPANY LIMITED90Pieces3574.8KRTAN CANG HIEP PHUOC
1/31/20246304930000552015#&OVNING N desk divider w comp/fabric divider (390x400x405)mm,100% brand new#&VNSEDO VINA COLTD320Pieces1020.8KRTM DL BINH DUONG
1/31/202494036090 Dressing table (finished product) made of planted rubber wood panels _BUREAU DESK 01 (Color: BROWN), brand: rose, size (800 * 400 * 1007) mm. 100% new product#&VNTHINH DAT MANUFACTURE TRADE COMPANY LIMITED BRANCH30Pieces4050KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202494039100HVSLD1008N-FIVLA#&Bean-shaped table top, made of MFC board, 800W Peanut Desk Top Panel (Foaming Bumper), size 860*565*35mm#&VNFURSYS VN COMPANY LIMITED54Pieces910.98KRTAN CANG HIEP PHUOC
1/31/202494039100HVSLD1008N-IVKR#&Bean-shaped table top, made of MFC board, 800W Peanut Desk Top Panel (Foaming Bumper), size 860*565*35mm#&VNFURSYS VN COMPANY LIMITED54Pieces903.42KRTAN CANG HIEP PHUOC
1/31/202494039100HVSWD0010-FIV#&Adjustable tilt table top made of MFC, Motion Desk Top Panel, size 1055*505*40mm#&VNFURSYS VN COMPANY LIMITED48Pieces1193.28KRTAN CANG HIEP PHUOC
1/31/202494051199IONR0089.XB40.W.01 # LED Light Ion R Small Downlight IP54 Black Baffle 4000K 60D Complete LED light, UNIOS brand, 100% new product.#&CNUNIOS COMPANY LIMITED3Pieces51.51KRHO CHI MINH

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