Get Latest Vietnam Having Export Data to Vn

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1/31/202462160099Poly gloves (White-green, having border, short wrist (new type)) (woven with poly fiber used for workers working) (100% new product)#&VNIMARKET VIETNAM CO LTD HO CHI MINH BRANCH10560Pairs1797.1008VNCTY TNHH IMARKET VIET NAM CN HCM
1/24/202444123100Wooden plywood specifications: length*width*thickness (1140 x 1150 x 5)mm (The type of plywood glued together from thin slices of wood with each layer having a thickness of 5mm, originating from rubber plantation wood, cashew wood) . 100% new product#&VNVIET NAM WOOD PROCESSING MANUFACTURING TRADING COMPANY LIMITED11Plates39.48494VNKHO CTY CHE BIEN GO VIET NAM
1/22/202462160099Poly gloves (White-green, having border, short wrist (new type) (woven with poly fiber for workers) (100% new product)#&VNIMARKET VIETNAM CO LTD HO CHI MINH BRANCH5000Pairs850.9VNCTY TNHH IMARKET VIET NAM CN HCM
1/20/202444123100Wooden plywood specifications: length*width*thickness (1140 x 1150 x 5)mm (The type of plywood glued together from thin slices of wood with each layer having a thickness of 5mm, originating from rubber plantation wood, cashew wood) . 100% new product#&VNVIET NAM WOOD PROCESSING MANUFACTURING TRADING COMPANY LIMITED21Plates75.38034VNKHO CTY CHE BIEN GO VIET NAM
1/20/202444123100Wooden plywood specifications: length*width*thickness (1140 x 1150 x 5)mm (The type of plywood glued together from thin slices of wood with each layer having a thickness of 5mm, originating from rubber plantation wood, cashew wood) . 100% new product#&VNVIET NAM WOOD PROCESSING MANUFACTURING TRADING COMPANY LIMITED21Plates75.38034VNKHO CTY CHE BIEN GO VIET NAM
1/20/202444123100A3 plywood specifications: length*width*thickness(300 x 420 x 5)mm (The type of plywood glued together from thin pieces of wood with each layer having a thickness of 5mm, originating from rubber plantation wood, cashew wood ). 100% new product#&VNVIET NAM WOOD PROCESSING MANUFACTURING TRADING COMPANY LIMITED100Plates55.042VNKHO CTY CHE BIEN GO VIET NAM
1/20/202444123100Wooden plywood specifications: length*width*thickness (790 x 540 x 5)mm (The type of board using glue assembled from thin pieces of wood with each layer having a thickness of 5mm, originating from rubber plantation wood, cashew wood) . 100% new product#&VVIET NAM WOOD PROCESSING MANUFACTURING TRADING COMPANY LIMITED3Plates4.31415VNKHO CTY CHE BIEN GO VIET NAM
1/20/202444123100Wooden plywood specifications: length*width*thickness (1140 x 1150 x 5)mm (The type of plywood glued together from thin slices of wood with each layer having a thickness of 5mm, originating from rubber plantation wood, cashew wood) . 100% new product#&VNVIET NAM WOOD PROCESSING MANUFACTURING TRADING COMPANY LIMITED21Plates75.38034VNKHO CTY CHE BIEN GO VIET NAM
1/20/202444123100Wooden plywood specifications: length*width*thickness (790 x 540 x 5)mm (The type of board using glue assembled from thin pieces of wood with each layer having a thickness of 5mm, originating from rubber plantation wood, cashew wood) . 100% new product#&VVIET NAM WOOD PROCESSING MANUFACTURING TRADING COMPANY LIMITED5Plates7.19025VNKHO CTY CHE BIEN GO VIET NAM
1/20/202444123100Wooden plywood specifications: length*width*thickness (1140 x 1150 x 5)mm (The type of plywood glued together from thin slices of wood with each layer having a thickness of 5mm, originating from rubber plantation wood, cashew wood) . 100% new product#&VNVIET NAM WOOD PROCESSING MANUFACTURING TRADING COMPANY LIMITED21Plates75.38034VNKHO CTY CHE BIEN GO VIET NAM

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Having Export Data of Vietnamfrom Vn. We collect Having Export Data of Vietnam to Vn with product and date. Having ExportData of Vietnam from Vn helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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