Get Latest Vietnam Garment Export Data to Hk

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1/31/202461178090SP01/24/SO00009265#&HTS61178090;Garment accessories from other materials (94% Polyester 6% Spandex) (Headband) - A0370U (ALO)#&VNFASHION GARMENTS 2 CO., LTD547Pieces1766.81HKHO CHI MINH
1/31/202458062090ESSLU10MM-WHITE#&Narrow Woven Fabric (Elastic Weave), Nylon 82%; Spandex 18%, quantity: 3.55g/m (+/-5%) width 10mm, White color, used for 100% new garment (GGGC: 0.02 USD)#&VNJML VINA INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LIMITED294Yard22.64005HKCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/202483082000Metal rivets, Imitation 18K Gold plated casting for garment, leather shoes, handbags -H-44922-00 11mm Shtmtl Foot w/Washer (Post length 7.5mm) IGLD18#&VNGOLDEN COMPANY LIMITED12186Pieces1218.6HKCK THUONG PHUOC (DT)
1/31/202461179000TRV032#&Dyed thread/garment accessories100%DYED COTTON(0"-0",(unbranded)#&VNSUNRISE VIET NAM TEXTILE JOINT STOCK COMPANY90Yard41.87997HKCONG TY CP DET NHUOM SVT
1/31/202461178090SP01/24/SO00009266#&HTS61178090;Garment accessories from other materials (77% Polyester, 23% Spandex) (Headband) - A0054U (ALO)#&VNFASHION GARMENTS 2 CO., LTD720Pieces2361.6HKHO CHI MINH
1/31/202483081000Metal hooks, cast and plated with Nickel Free Mattle for garment, leather shoes, handbags -H-42098-00 13mm Chunky Tapered D-Ring (14.9mmID) NFM#&VNGOLDEN COMPANY LIMITED636Pieces114.48HKCK THUONG PHUOC (DT)
1/31/202458062090ELAS21009-7#&Narrow woven fabric (Elastic weave) Nylon 10%; Spandex 16%, polyester 74%, weight: 3.91g/m (+/-5%) width 7mm, Black color, used for garment. 100% new (GGGC: 0.023USD)#&VNJML VINA INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LIMITED17890Yard2772.95HKCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/202483081000Lock with metal latch, Nickel Free Mattle plated molding for garment, leather shoes, handbags -H-61509-00 26mm Chunky COACH Dogleash w/11mm DRing NFM#&VNGOLDEN COMPANY LIMITED4020Pieces2484.36HKCK THUONG PHUOC (DT)
1/31/202483081000Pale Gold metal hooks for garment, leather shoes, handbags -OSP19-X53 32mm Chain Link Toggle KSPG#&VNGOLDEN COMPANY LIMITED4040Pieces921.12HKCK THUONG PHUOC (DT)
1/31/202456079090Belt (from synthetic filament), Size: 20mm, 100% new (material used in the garment industry)#&VNBRANCH HCM OF JIN WON VIET NAM CO., LTD4078Yard445.7254HKHO CHI MINH

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