Get Latest Vietnam Fan leaf Export Data to Jp

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Jp for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202484145949100608568.23D#&Cooling fan G12S12BS2AH-56J166 (using electric motor - NIDEC) (KL017571-0153) (capacity not exceeding 125KW)#&VNNIDEC VIET NAM CORPORATION2592Pieces33903.36JPCTY NIDEC VN CORP
1/31/202484145949100423095.23D#&Cooling fan U92C12MS1B3-52K094 (using electric motor - NIDEC _ HF) (capacity not exceeding 125KW)#&VNNIDEC VIET NAM CORPORATION2880Pieces5731.2JPCTY NIDEC VN CORP
1/31/202484145949100414547.23D#&Cooling fan I50G12BS1B5-58B011 (using electric motor - NIDEC) (capacity not exceeding 125KW)#&VNNIDEC VIET NAM CORPORATION1152Pieces3571.2JPCTY NIDEC VN CORP
1/31/202484145949100512376-F2401#&Cooling fan 100512376(PUDC24D4S)(Capacity not exceeding 125KW)(Power supply cooling)#&VNNIDEC SERVO VIETNAM CORPORATION120Pieces328.8JPCONG TY NIDEC ADVANCED MOTOR VN
1/31/202484145949100700467-F2401#&Cooling fan 100700467(D1225R12B7MZ-G2)(DC12V, 0.25A)(Power supply cooling)#&ENNIDEC SERVO VIETNAM CORPORATION240Pieces1113.6JPCONG TY NIDEC ADVANCED MOTOR VN
1/31/20248501521959954123#&Three-phase AC motor / 4P-0.75kW-200V-EBR-FAN-IN-J32#&VNTOSHIBA INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS ASIA CO LTD32Pieces3573.12JPCT SPCN TOSHIBA ASIA
1/31/202439269099F-18938-2#&Ventilation fan cover, made of Composite plastic F-18938-2 (dimensions: L655xW655xH715 mm). 100% new product#&VNVINA MOLYMER COMPANY LIMITED1Pieces141.59888JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/2024841459493003036800.23D#&Cooling fan D08K-24PU 18B(AX) (using electric motor - NIDEC) (capacity not exceeding 125KW)#&VNNIDEC VIET NAM CORPORATION3510Pieces2145.8034JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202484145949100584941.23D#&Cooling fan T92T12MS24A7-57T07 (using electric motor - NIDEC) (capacity not exceeding 125KW)#&VNNIDEC VIET NAM CORPORATION12150Pieces23071.392JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202484145949100144915.23D#&Cooling fan V40S12BUA5-53 (using electric motor - NIDEC) (capacity not exceeding 125KW)#&VNNIDEC VIET NAM CORPORATION20Pieces100JPHO CHI MINH

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Fan leaf Export Data of Vietnamfrom Jp. We collect Fan leaf Export Data of Vietnam to Jp with product and date. Fan leaf ExportData of Vietnam from Jp helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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