Get Latest Vietnam Electronic integrated circuits Export Data to Jp

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Jp for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202485369019046809605120846+TM#&Electronic connector#&VNKYOCERA VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED88000Pieces2748.24JPHA NOI
1/31/202485471000C9376#&Ceramic Bobbin for Inductor/Ceramic Bobbin in Inductor Parts MB-4HAW6-F1S Mekki(used for electronic components)#&VNVIETNAM MEIWA CO., LTD1474300Pieces2580.025JPHO CHI MINH
1/31/202485423900ZSFLD22IE-3-V1#&Electronic circuit board assembly for printers#&VNUMC ELECTRONICS VIETNAM LIMITED476Pieces14059.1836JPCT UMC VIET NAM
1/31/2024853690990006091075#&Connector used for electronic equipment/ IMSA-9686S-11Y800#&VNIRISO ELECTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD30000Pieces1914.99JPCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/202485471000C9092#&Metal glazed resistor' element/Metal glazed resistor NK-3 1.51x5.5 (used for electronic components)#&VNVIETNAM MEIWA CO., LTD16900Pieces145.509JPHO CHI MINH
1/31/2024853690999005011568#&Connector used for electronic equipment/IMSA-13118B-05Y500#&VNIRISO ELECTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD82250Pieces14677.348JPCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/2024853690999005011517#&Connector used for electronic equipment/IMSA-10141S-140Y500#&VNIRISO ELECTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD31360Pieces21271.92704JPCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/2024853400305392-0285#&Multi-layer printed circuit (without electronic components) 135943-78300910/5392-0285 (2pcs/sheet)#&VNMEIKO ELECTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD.2654Pieces13376.16JPCANG NAM DINH VU
1/31/20244202919006DD070-2-14#&Handbag DD-070-2 - Leather exterior, holds electronic devices/ BAGS OF DD-070-2; Processing unit price: 16 USD#&VNYURI ABC DANANG COMPANY LIMITED57Pieces1681.5JPCANG TIEN SA(D.NANG)
1/31/202485340090W320-1810-T048/01#&To set up electronic printing machines#&VNFICT VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED3004Plates32743.6JPHO CHI MINH

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