Get Latest Vietnam Dye blue Export Data to Zz

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Zz for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202448064000SPGC64#&Glossy paper, type BLUE GLASSINE PAPER, size: 75mm*1000m#&KRJY TECH COMPANY LIMITED75Square Meters31.62975ZZCONG TY TNHH JY TECH
1/31/202460063290T150#&Finished fabric 100% Polyester Dyed knitted fabric without printing LJ-B0001 VISA TERRY DOPE DYE-EPM5 44" 44" ( 2191 YARD) Quantity 205 Gram/M2#&VNVIETNAM DONA GOLD LONG JOHN INTERNATIONAL CO LTD460.11Kilograms2694.93006ZZKHO CTY GOLD LONG JOHN
1/31/202494017990Albenga hocker chair 106 in blended navy color (Product is made of aluminum frame, separate mattress, eucalyptus wood legs)(Packaging name: TESSERE BLUE OTTOMAN)#&VNPHT JOINT STOCK COMPANY8Pieces588.32ZZCANG TIEN SA(D.NANG)
1/31/202439219090TL-HN2024-1NT-26#& Blue coated plastic canvas (0.9m x 100m)/41gr/m2;#&VNTARP LINE HA NOI COMPANY LIMITED1600Roll9872ZZCANG NAM DINH VU
1/31/202439269099TL-HN2024-1FN-1#& Blue coated plastic canvas (3.6m x 5.4m)/41gr/m2 (Buttoned, threaded);#&VNTARP LINE HA NOI COMPANY LIMITED1000Pieces1572.57ZZCANG TAN VU - HP
1/31/202439206299SPGC1038#&PET plastic film (Poly Ethylene Terephthalate) type YC-180BA(100, BLUE, AS), size: 75mm*500m#&KRJY TECH COMPANY LIMITED337.5Square Meters479.36475ZZCONG TY TNHH JY TECH
1/31/202494017990Albenga lounge bench (106) blended navy color (product made from aluminum frame; rope, separate mattress, wooden legs) (Packaging name: TESSERE BLUE SOFA W THROW PILLOWS)#&VNPHT JOINT STOCK COMPANY12Pieces3821.52ZZCANG TIEN SA(D.NANG)
1/31/202439269099TL-HN2024-1FN-9#& Blue coated plastic canvas (10m x 10m)/156gr/m2 (no buttons, with thread);#&VNTARP LINE HA NOI COMPANY LIMITED200Pieces5844.634ZZCANG TAN VU - HP
1/31/202439191099Blue 5cm plain floor adhesive tape used to paste factory floors, 100% new product#&VNBRANCH OF NGOC HA TRADING AND SERVICE JOINT STOCK COMPANY IN BAC NINH52Roll31.56036ZZCN CTY CP TM VA DV NGOC HA TAI BN
1/31/202439219090TL-HN2024-1FN-2#& Blue coated plastic canvas (1.8m x 100m)/41gr/m2;#&VNTARP LINE HA NOI COMPANY LIMITED100Roll1365.8ZZCANG TAN VU - HP

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Dye blue Export Data of Vietnamfrom Zz. We collect Dye blue Export Data of Vietnam to Zz with product and date. Dye blue ExportData of Vietnam from Zz helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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