Get Latest Vietnam Dust box Export Data to Zz

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Zz for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202448191000Carton W082098AEA top cover Dimensions: 1690 x 615 x 120 mm, box with corrugated pattern#&VNHA NOI PAPER AND PACKING COMPANY LIMITED640Pieces572.1536ZZCONG TY TNHH GIAY VA BAO BI HA NOI
1/31/202448191000Carton box BOX TN M CL-L XC DMO STD 697E 96360 made of paper used to pack electronic goods, #&VNBRANCH OF EPE PACKAGING VIET NAM COLTDIN VSIP HAIPHONG512Pieces77.824ZZCN CTY EPE PACKAGING VN TAI VSIP HP
1/31/202448191000Carton box BOX TN M FR-L XC DMO EXHI 698E 03510 used to pack electronic goods, #&VNBRANCH OF EPE PACKAGING VIET NAM COLTDIN VSIP HAIPHONG512Pieces95.3856ZZCN CTY EPE PACKAGING VN TAI VSIP HP
1/31/202448191000Carton box BOX TN K FR XC NA-SF EXHI 698E 03790 used to pack electronic goods, #&VNBRANCH OF EPE PACKAGING VIET NAM COLTDIN VSIP HAIPHONG512Pieces95.3856ZZCN CTY EPE PACKAGING VN TAI VSIP HP
1/31/202448191000Carton box BOX TN M FR XC NA-SF EXHI 698E 03830 used to pack electronic goods, #&VNBRANCH OF EPE PACKAGING VIET NAM COLTDIN VSIP HAIPHONG384Pieces71.5392ZZCN CTY EPE PACKAGING VN TAI VSIP HP
1/31/202448191000Carton box BOX BTR XC 698E 02921 made of paper used to pack electronic goods, size 80*80*310mm #&VNBRANCH OF EPE PACKAGING VIET NAM COLTDIN VSIP HAIPHONG400Pieces120.36ZZCN CTY EPE PACKAGING VN TAI VSIP HP
1/31/202448191000Carton box BOX TN 12 M FR-L XC NA EXHI 698E 03160 used to pack electronic goods, #&VNBRANCH OF EPE PACKAGING VIET NAM COLTDIN VSIP HAIPHONG50Pieces48.335ZZCN CTY EPE PACKAGING VN TAI VSIP HP
1/31/202448191000Carton box BOX TN 12 K FR XC NA-MF EXHI 698E 04300 used to pack electronic goods, #&VNBRANCH OF EPE PACKAGING VIET NAM COLTDIN VSIP HAIPHONG50Pieces70.275ZZCN CTY EPE PACKAGING VN TAI VSIP HP
1/31/202448191000Carton box SP BOX 698E 14520 is used to package electronic goods #&VNBRANCH OF EPE PACKAGING VIET NAM COLTDIN VSIP HAIPHONG460Pieces222.87ZZCN CTY EPE PACKAGING VN TAI VSIP HP
1/31/202448191000Carton box SP BOX 698E 07400 is used to package electronic goods #&VNBRANCH OF EPE PACKAGING VIET NAM COLTDIN VSIP HAIPHONG40Pieces78.612ZZCN CTY EPE PACKAGING VN TAI VSIP HP

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Dust box Export Data of Vietnamfrom Zz. We collect Dust box Export Data of Vietnam to Zz with product and date. Dust box ExportData of Vietnam from Zz helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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