Get Latest Vietnam Dust box Export Data to Kr

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Kr for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202448191000Carton box made of corrugated board, size: 400X260X100MM, 100% new#&VNUNIPACK VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED20000Pieces4020KRCTY TNHH UNI PACK VN
1/31/202448191000Carton box containing electronic door lock, size 204*85*260mm PKSP2323ONTB (GIFT INTELBRAS FR101 (SV))#&VNCNC VINA CO LTD33900Pieces14126.13KRCTY TNHH CNC VINA
1/31/202448191000Carton box made of corrugated board, size: 400X260X100MM, 100% brand new#&VNUNIPACK VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED25000Pieces5025KRCONG TY TNHH UNI-PACK VIET NAM
1/31/202439231090Folding plastic box, size: 76x48x20/25cm (used goods), partial return of item number 2 to account: 106026052530 g13 #&KRYURA CORPORATION BAC NINH COMPANY LIMITED750Pieces9495KRGREEN PORT (HP)
1/31/202485176259T5053#&Bluetooth headset voltage: 3.67V, 1MWh, battery capacity: 57.5mAh, frequency: 1K Hz, with charging box voltage: 4.4V, battery capacity: 60mAh and headphone charging cord#&KXD#&ZZNEW WING INTERCONNECT TECHNOLOGY BAC GIANG COLTD30Set2105.094KRHA NOI
1/31/202485189090Speaker box made of plywood without audio equipment. Model: TS-M1/M2. Dimensions 526x526x726 mm. 100% new product#&VNPARAMAX CORPORATION COMPANY LIMITED3Pieces297KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202461033990Jackets for men in many sizes, Thanh Huong brand (25piece/box)#&VNTHANH CONG IMPORTEXPORT TRADING COMPANY LIMITED6Box/Bag/Pack108KRDA NANG
1/31/202448239099GAPA-PP24#&Dental Absorbent Paper Points (Semi-finished Absorbent Paper Points) are made of natural fibers and the main ingredient is pure cotton paper, cone shaped. 100% new product (500 sticks/box)#&VNGAPADENT VIET NAM COMPANY LIMITED20574Box/Bag/Pack144018KRCT LOGISTICS CANG DN
1/31/202448239099GAPA-PP24#&Dental Absorbent Paper Points (Semi-finished Absorbent Paper Points) are made of natural fibers and the main ingredient is pure cotton paper, cone shaped. 100% new product (1000 sticks/box)#&VNGAPADENT VIET NAM COMPANY LIMITED2794Box/Bag/Pack39116KRCT LOGISTICS CANG DN

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Dust box Export Data of Vietnamfrom Kr. We collect Dust box Export Data of Vietnam to Kr with product and date. Dust box ExportData of Vietnam from Kr helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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