Get Latest Vietnam Dust box Export Data to Jp

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Jp for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202448191000Carton box size: 545 x 450 x 286mm. 100% new product#&VNBAnd B INTERNATIONAL PACKING COMPANY LIMITED151Pieces122.31JPCONG TY BAO BI QUOC TE B&B
1/31/202448191000Carton box size: 460 x 365 x 540mm. 100% new product#&VNBAnd B INTERNATIONAL PACKING COMPANY LIMITED200Pieces165.52JPCONG TY BAO BI QUOC TE B&B
1/31/2024392690598r30#&Blow (L) (Body, Cover, Guide) CT-K40S-K60S - Cooling tower drainage box part made of composite plastic#&VNNEW VIET HAN COMPOSITE CO LTD10Set60.9624JPTANCANG CAIMEP TVAI
1/31/202439269099F-36044-B11-23-1#&Front leg of CASING SUPPORT blower box FTF202/203-B11-23-1, made of FRP plastic (dimensions: L340xW285xH50 mm). 100% new product#&VNVINA MOLYMER COMPANY LIMITED15Pieces178.47075JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/20243926909930-32732-013#&Plastic dust cover used in gas equipment, size: 227mm x 30mm#&VNPALOMA VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED263Pieces29.6927JPCANG TAN VU - HP
1/31/2024392690598r6#&Water Box-Out - Part that supports the water coming out of the cooling tower made of composite material#&VNNEW VIET HAN COMPOSITE CO LTD12Pieces114.59064JPTANCANG CAIMEP TVAI
1/31/202442029290NM82255FP-GWVB23CD-001#&BC Fuse Box II Fabric Backpack ( 46 x 33 x 15 ) cm#&VNSTARITE INTERNATIONAL VIETNAM LIMITED149Pieces3845.69JPC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202442029290NM82256BC-GWVB23CD-001#&BC Fuse Box Tote Fabric Backpack ( 42 x 29 x 13 ) cm#&VNSTARITE INTERNATIONAL VIETNAM LIMITED12Pieces175.44JPC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202448196000FL78-078-3#&File box 78-078 BOX FILE FL-052BF A4S PK#&VNPLUS VIETNAM INDUSTRIAL CO LTD500Pieces390.4JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202439231090NM0185A#240131#&Plastic medicine box of pill packaging machine, 100% new#&VNTAKAZONO VIETNAM CO LTD1Pieces20.4048JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Dust box Export Data of Vietnamfrom Jp. We collect Dust box Export Data of Vietnam to Jp with product and date. Dust box ExportData of Vietnam from Jp helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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