Get Latest Vietnam Civil construction Export Data to Jp

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1/31/202484122100CYLINDER LB43 ANGLE#&Product Machined hydraulic cylinder for construction machinery, Cylinder Angle (RD3587470)#&VNKORETSUNE SEIKO VIET NAM COMPANY LIMITED200Pieces25866JPCANG DINH VU - HP
1/31/202484122100CYLINDER Z92-4 SWING#&Product Machined hydraulic cylinder for construction machinery, Cylinder Z92-4 Swing 70 (PS01V00004F1)#&VNKORETSUNE SEIKO VIET NAM COMPANY LIMITED16Pieces3001.76JPCANG DINH VU - HP
1/31/202444189900Stair cladding made of rubber wood (vertical, horizontal, end-jointed, planed, sanded, shaped for construction) Brand: VIETWOOD. Size: 30x1020x3010 mm.#&VNVIET WOOD INDUSTRIES JOINT STOCK COMPANY3.68Cubic Meters3459.2JPC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202444189900Stair cladding made of rubber wood (vertical, horizontal, end-jointed, planed, sanded, shaped for construction) Brand: VIETWOOD. Size: 25x610x3010 mm.#&VNVIET WOOD INDUSTRIES JOINT STOCK COMPANY2.2Cubic Meters2090JPC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202444189900Stair cladding made of rubber wood (vertical, horizontal, end-jointed, planed, sanded, shaped for construction) Brand: VIETWOOD. Size: 25x610x4510 mm.#&VNVIET WOOD INDUSTRIES JOINT STOCK COMPANY1.65Cubic Meters1567.5JPC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202444189900Stair cladding made of rubber wood (vertical, horizontal, end-jointed, planed, sanded, shaped for construction) Brand: VIETWOOD. Size: 36x915x3010 mm.#&VNVIET WOOD INDUSTRIES JOINT STOCK COMPANY1.59Cubic Meters1510.5JPC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202444189900Stair steps made of rubber wood (vertical, horizontal, end-jointed, planed, sanded, grooved for construction) Brand: VIETWOOD. Size: 36x240x1200 mm.#&VNVIET WOOD INDUSTRIES JOINT STOCK COMPANY1.08Cubic Meters988.2JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202444189900D22.52403300 SV 1-21.24#&Laminated rubber wood stair cladding (vertical, horizontal, end-jointed, planed, sanded, shaped, painted for construction) Brand: VIETWOOD. Size: 22.5x240x3300 mm.#&VNVIET WOOD INDUSTRIES JOINT STOCK COMPANY3.7Cubic Meters6956JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202444189900D304501800 SV 1-21.24#&Laminated rubber wood stair cladding (vertical, horizontal, end-jointed, planed, sanded, shaped, painted for construction) Brand: VIETWOOD. Size: 30x450x1800 mm.#&VNVIET WOOD INDUSTRIES JOINT STOCK COMPANY0.61Cubic Meters1488.4JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202444189900D304501800 SV 1-21.24#&Laminated rubber wood stair cladding (vertical, horizontal, end-jointed, planed, sanded, shaped, painted for construction) Brand: VIETWOOD. Size: 30x450x1800 mm.#&VNVIET WOOD INDUSTRIES JOINT STOCK COMPANY1.46Cubic Meters3635.4JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)

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