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1/31/202494039100B1083D-220.23#&Headboard(2089x114x1930)mm made from rubber wood, poplar wood, MDF board, plywood, veneer, chipboard.(B00362 6UH),NH:AVALON#&VNRK RESOURCES CO LTD15Pieces2364USGEMALINK
1/31/202494035000158CT#&Dresser cabinet B-6450-3-QFS-1 (1469*483*861)mm, made from MDF, PB board. No brand, with product label. 100% new product.#&VNCHUNG THAM INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED26Pieces1300USCANG QT SP-SSA(SSIT)
1/31/20249403500044260#&7-Drawer Dresser (1726*482*965) mm-Dresser (1726*482*965) mm#&VNSHING MARK ENTERPRISE COLTD18Pieces4229.82USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202494039100Cabinet drawer front (Drawer front-U61106-10X05G-U00), with chipboard core, beech wood on four sides, covered with beech veneer, beveled edges, unpainted, size T 17.5 x W 138.1 x L 254 MM. 100% new product#&VNPDT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPING TRADER CO LTD5280Pieces4276.8USGEMALINK
1/31/202494039100Cabinet drawer front (Drawer front-U61106-25X05G-U00), with chipboard core, beech wood four-sided braces, covered with beech veneer, beveled edges, unpainted, size T 17.5 x W 138.1 x L 635 MM. 100% new product#&VNPDT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPING TRADER CO LTD770Pieces1432.2USGEMALINK
1/31/202494035000EB3477-231#&Assembled cabinet, made of PB particle board and MDF board, used in bedroom - SIX DRAWER DRESSER#&VNMILLENNIUM FURNITURE CO LTD65Pieces5212.35USCANG TIEN SA(D.NANG)
1/31/202494035000KT600DR-S_24#&KINGSTON DRESSER (STURDY) long cabinet for bedroom (1663*455*1018)mm made from pine, MDF board and plywood#&VNBAC HOANG CO LTD17Pieces2045.61USCANG QT SP-SSA(SSIT)
1/31/202494035000KT600DR-S_24#&KINGSTON DRESSER (STURDY) long cabinet for bedroom (1663*455*1018)mm made from pine, MDF board and plywood#&VNBAC HOANG CO LTD21Pieces2526.93USCANG QT SP-SSA(SSIT)
1/31/2024940350001900213000-181#&3-drawer dresser (885 x 305 x 125)mm, product made of imported Pine wood - Modern Farmhouse 3 Drawer Dresser#&VNFIRSTWOOD COMPANY LIMITED50Pieces3873.5USCANG QT CAI MEP
1/31/2024940350001900216000-187#&6 drawer dresser (1475 x 500 x 290)mm, product made of imported Pine wood - Modern Farmhouse 6 Drawer Dresser#&VNFIRSTWOOD COMPANY LIMITED20Pieces2649USCANG QT CAI MEP

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