Get Latest Vietnam Bar effective oil Export Data to Kr

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Kr for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202484439990SRVKR01R#&Rubber-coated metal roller bar RC2-1182-00K (Printer components, with copy function)100% new #&VNSUMIRUBBER VIETNAM CO LTD24000Pieces10888.8KRCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/202439263000Plastic bar from PP plastic, 100mm long, 100% new part 19302-102#&VNOKE VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED10000Pieces226.7KRCANG TIEN SA(D.NANG)
1/31/202439263000YRV15#&Plastic short bar, return item number 15 of the declaration: 105360596830/E21 dated March 30, 2023#&KRYURA CORPORATION VINA COMPANY LIMITED6055Pieces1271.55KRCANG TAN VU - HP
1/31/202485299091BN96-54674E#&BAR DECORATIVE COVER UNDER THE FRONT FRAME OF THE TV SCREEN_Re-exported from STT 21 of Account 106050298650/A42 (100% new, not yet SD, GC, CB process)#&VNSAMSUNG ELECTRONICS HCMC CE COMPLEX CO LTD1Pieces1.22KRHO CHI MINH
1/31/202439269099Plastic bar (470*1000)mm; No brand; Use for Suitcases, Backpacks, Handbags; Made from ABS plastic. 100% new product#&VNOK SUNG VINA COMPANY LIMITED30Pieces137.91KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202476042910SPA6061#&EXtruded ALUMINUM ALLOY BAR A6061(T8 9MM 2500MM) 100% NEW ITEM#&VNLMAT VINA COMPANY LIMITED1246Kilograms4834.48KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/20243824999990Plastic additives used in plastic production, product code DA.80. Mixture includes: CaCO3, Plastic, Oil, ... Size 3x3 mm (100% new product made in Vietnam)#&VNDAI A INDUSTRY JOINT STOCK COMPANY24Ton7800KRNA
1/31/202476109099V4SSSA80302-SY2#&Plating shaped aluminum alloy bar (frame code SYZ-17814, length 2462mm, silver color, glossy coating) (for solar battery frame structure, aluminum TP 95-98%, 2-5% are Si, Fe, Cu, Mn, Mg, Cr, Zn, Ti#&VNSHINYANG METAL VIETNAM CO LTD13076.88Kilograms49352.14512KRCANG LACH HUYEN HP
1/31/202487081090Y23-M12T-P034#&Front anti-collision bar for cars with less than 10 seats made of aluminum alloy#&VNLMS VINA COMPANY LIMITED9Pieces157.86KRCANG TAN VU - HP
1/31/20248113000090HGC002308#&Metal ceramic bar YK20-1400-108-T, size D14.0 X L108 (mm)#&VNWIDIN VINA COMPANY LIMITED54Pieces712.8KRNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Bar effective oil Export Data of Vietnamfrom Kr. We collect Bar effective oil Export Data of Vietnam to Kr with product and date. Bar effective oil ExportData of Vietnam from Kr helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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