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1/31/202460069000VFR01C#&Fresno mesh fabric size 44" pink#&VNYOU YOUNG VINA CO LTD18.29Meters20.79999USCONG TY TNHH YOU YOUNG VINA
1/31/202442029290YT-1535#&Foam cooler bag with 100% Polyester fabric exterior, size 30 liters, Brand YETI, 100% new#&VNFEDERAL BAY INDUSTRY JOINT STOCK COMPANY47Pieces4023.67USCANG QT SP-SSA(SSIT)
1/31/202494013900H190-08-24#&Office swivel chair, PP plastic frame + rubber wood plywood, with foam, fabric cover + mesh fabric, cushioned, height adjustable, qc: 24.75*23.5*39.75 inches, no brand, with product label, 100% new#&VNLOI HAO VIET NAM PRODUCE TRADE COMPANY LIMITED22Pieces762.3USCANG QT CAI MEP
1/31/202494013900H400-09A-24#&Office swivel chair, upholstered, iron frame + rubber wood board, foam stuffing + foam, covered with PVC fabric, with led lights, adjustable height, size 20.5*49.25*52.25 inches, no brand, with product label, 100% new.#&VNLOI HAO VIET NAM PRODUCE TRADE COMPANY LIMITED214Pieces17376.8USCANG QT CAI MEP
1/31/202439211912Anti-static foam sheet, size: 380*395*1.5mm, material: PE plastic. Use for shaping and lining finished products (ML69A040546A). 100% new product#&VNTRAN THANH COMPANY LIMITED7600Pieces273.6USCANG LACH HUYEN HP
1/31/2024940161004-seat bench sofa made of frame, PU, LVL board, Plywood, foam, fiber, stuffed with cushions, size 3:307*107*74cm, Light Brown color, code CLOUD-4, no brand, 100% new# &VNMINH TIN IMPORT EXPORT COMPANY LIMITED10Pieces3300USCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202468101990Handicraft concrete tiles (stone powder, cement, additives)-Millenial pink-Pomelo=Retro mix (L.All White 40%+LBC(bp)15%+L.Dark Topaz 15%+Mix Terracotta 15% +YC 15%-Terrazzo honed, 100% new#&VNEAGLE GROUP PRODUCTION TRADING CO LTD17.86Square Meters4089.94USNA
1/31/202494016100Seat with foam mattress made of rubber wood, plywood, MDF (NPL purchased domestically), sample product for production, unbranded - Model 780W-C6601S (880x540x1040)mm#&VNPOH HUAT FURNITURE INDUSTRIES VIETNAM JOINT STOCK COMPANY10Pieces50USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202448194000449EGB7590#&Paper bag with bottom 10.2cm wide - BTL PINK FLORAL BAG#&VNS And K LUXURY PACKAGING VINA COLTD22420Pieces5223.86USCANG QT SP-SSA(SSIT)
1/31/202494049000M71641UN#&Foam-stuffed mattress cover - COVER KIT M71641, specifications: 76 x 80 x 11.25 inches#&VNMILLENNIUM FURNITURE CO LTD12Pieces526.56USCANG TIEN SA(D.NANG)

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