Get Latest Pakistan Soy meal Import Data from Afghanistan

Get latest Customs Import data of Pakistan from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

11/11/202323040000 NON GMO SOYBEAN MEAL FOR ANIMAL FEEDMIR AHMAD AKBARI22000KG6092.437706Afghanistan CLCS
11/6/202323040000 NON GMO SOYABEAN MEAL FOR ANIMAL FEEDSAKHI YARANA LTD70000KG19385.445562Afghanistan CLCS
10/31/202323040000Non Gmo Soyabean Meal for Animal FeedEsmat Wali Ltd50000KG13709.885958Afghanistan CLCS
10/28/202323040000NON GMO SOYABEN MEAL ( FOR ANIMAL FEED )EHSAN ULLAH AND BROTHERS108000KG29909.61243Afghanistan CLCS
10/23/202323040000NON GMO SOYABEAN MEAL FOR ANIMAL FEED Net weight 45600 KGsSAKHI YARANA LTD45600KG12628.593974Afghanistan CLCS
10/23/202323040000NON GMO SOYABEAN MEAL FOR ANIMAL FEED Net weight 44900 KGsSAKHI YARANA LTD44900KG12434.734576Afghanistan CLCS
10/23/202323040000NON GMO SOYABEEN MEAL FOR ANIMALFEEDIZZAT AFGHAN LTD125000KG34617.85868Afghanistan CLCS
10/23/202323040000NON GMO SOYABEAN MEAL FOR ANIMAL FEED Net weight 50000 KGsFAIZ LTD50000KG13847.144906Afghanistan CLCS
10/23/202323040000NON GMO SOYABEAN MEAL FOR ANIMAL FEED Net weight 45800 KGsSAKHI YARANA LTD45800KG12683.984935Afghanistan CLCS
10/23/202323040000NON GMO SOYABEEN MEAL FOR ANIMALFEED Net weight 100000 KGsIZZAT AFGHAN LTD100000KG27694.289813Afghanistan CLCS

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Soy meal Import Data of Pakistanfrom Afghanistan. We collect Soy meal Import Data of Pakistan from Afghanistan with product and date. Soy meal ImportData of Pakistan from Afghanistan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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