Get Latest Pakistan Import Data of Refinery under HS Code 73079190

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Refinery under HS code 73079190. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Import Data.

3/26/202473079190 (03 PCS=60 KGS) 3rd Partial Shipment of Utility Boiler Project Installation at PARCO Refinery, WNRF 4" 600# SCH 80 SA105NWFN CO LTD60KG495.300251South KoreaKAPW
3/26/202473079190 (03 PCS= 09 KGS) 3rd Partial Shipment of Utility Boiler Project Installation at PARCO Refinery, WNRF 2" 150 # SCH 160 SA105NWFN CO LTD9KG38.39626South KoreaKAPW
3/26/202473079190 (01 PCS=12 KGS) 3rd Partial Shipment of Utility Boiler Project Installation at PARCO Refinery, WNRF 6" 150 # SCH 80 SA105NWFN CO LTD12KG249.194534South KoreaKAPW
3/26/202473079190 (03 PCS= 54 KGS) 3rd Partial Shipment of Utility Boiler Project Installation at PARCO Refinery, WNRF 8" 150 # SCH 20 SA105NWFN CO LTD54KG231.409564South KoreaKAPW
3/26/202473079190 (01 PCS=07KGS) 3rd Partial Shipment of Utility Boiler Project Installation at PARCO Refinery, WNRF 2 1/2" 600 # SCH 80 SA105NWFN CO LTD7KG132.955771South KoreaKAPW
3/26/202473079190 (01 PCS= 0.50 KGS) 3rd Partial Shipment of Utility Boiler Project Installation at PARCO Refinery, SORF 3/4" 150# SA105NWFN CO LTD1KG52.571017South KoreaKAPW
3/26/202473079190 (02 PCS=132 KGS) 3rd Partial Shipment of Utility Boiler Project Installation at PARCO Refinery, SORF 20" 150 # SA105NWFN CO LTD132KG3112.330097South KoreaKAPW
3/26/202473079190 (02 PCS= 12 KGS) 3rd Partial Shipment of Utility Boiler Project Installation at PARCO Refinery, SORF 4" 150# SA105NWFN CO LTD12KG244.056094South KoreaKAPW
3/26/202473079190 (05 PCS=45 KGS) 3rd Partial Shipment of Utility Boiler Project Installation at PARCO Refinery, LWNRF 2" 600# 228.6 L SA105NWFN CO LTD45KG992.624955South KoreaKAPW
3/26/202473079190 (03 PCS= 06 KGS) 3rd Partial Shipment of Utility Boiler Project Installation at PARCO Refinery, SORF 2" 150 # SA105WFN CO LTD6KG559.906508South KoreaKAPW

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Refinery under HS code 73079190 Pakistan. We collect Import data of Refinery under HS code 73079190 with product anddate.Import data of Refinery under HS code 73079190 Pakistan helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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