Get Latest Pakistan R 410a Import Data from Indonesia

Get latest Customs Import data of Pakistan from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/29/202408028000 BETELNUTS (2100 BAGS) (GD FILE AS PER V/R 1764 @ US$ 1.15/KG INDONESIA ORIGIN)CV MAS AGRO56000KG65204.492805IndonesiaKAPW
3/29/202415119020 RBD PALM OIL IN BULK (D.V.US$.910) R/P.US$.880+872.50=1752.50/2=876.25+F.US$.25=901.25 US$.PMTApiCal Middle East FZCO250000KG230424.039568Indonesia PQIB
3/29/202408028000 BETELNUTS (2100 BAGS) (GD FILE AS PER V/R 1764 @ US$ 1.15/KG INDONESIA ORIGIN)CV MAS AGRO56000KG65204.492805IndonesiaKAPW
3/29/202415119030 RBD PALM OLEIN IN BULK (D.V.US$.908) R/P.US$.857.50+862.50=1720/2=860+F.US$.25=885 US$.PMTPT SiNar Mas Agro ResourCes And TeChNology250000KG229821.607913Indonesia PQIB
3/29/202484182190 ONE UNIT FRIDGE LG S/D 200LTRE GR-V215 R INDONESIA1u158Indonesia KRPV
3/29/202448026200 PHOTOCOPY PAPER (WRITING /PRINTING PAPER ) IN SHEETS. SUBSTANCE: 70,80-GSM.SIZE: 210MM X 297MM. 3171-BOXES V/R NO:1802/2023 DT: 12-SEP-2023 .S.NO: 04 USD: 0.830 P/KG INDONESIA. (DV IS HIGHER THAN VR).PT INDAH KIAT PULP And PAPER TBK36985.82KG33894.917266IndonesiaKAPS
3/29/202415119030 RBD PALM OLEIN IN BULK (D.V.US$.908) R/P.US$.857.50+862.50=1720/2=860+F.US$.25=885 US$.PMTPT SiNar Mas Agro ResourCes And TeChNology250000KG229821.607913Indonesia PQIB
3/29/202415119020 RBD PALM OIL IN BULK (D.V.US$.955)R/P.US$. 910+910=1820/2=910+F.US$.25-935 US$.PMTPT SiNar Mas Agro ResourCes And TeChNology250000KG241778.442446IndonesiaPQIB
3/29/202415119020 RBD PALM OIL IN BULK (D.V.US$.910) R/P.US$.880+872.50=1752.50/2=876.25+F.US$.25=901.25 US$.PMTApiCal Middle East FZCO250000KG230424.039568IndonesiaPQIB
3/29/202415119020 RBD PALM OIL IN BULK (D.V.US$.910) R/P.US$.880+872.50=1752.50/2=876.25+F.US$.25=901.25 US$.PMTApiCal Middle East FZCO250000KG230424.039568IndonesiaPQIB

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest R 410a Import Data of Pakistanfrom Indonesia. We collect R 410a Import Data of Pakistan from Indonesia with product and date. R 410a ImportData of Pakistan from Indonesia helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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