Get Latest Pakistan Otherwise Import Data from Europiean union

Get latest Customs Import data of Pakistan from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202472255000 Secondary Quality Cold Rolled Alloy Steel Coils …. Note: Representative samples forwarded to assessment group for onward submission to any reputable lab for confirmation of actual description composition whether alloy or otherwise and all other needed asSONATA GENERAL TRADING FZC52199KG39677.21EUROPIEAN UNIONKPPI
12/2/202372259100 Alloy Coated Steel Coils of Secondary Quality Net Weight 27200 Kg(Approx)… Origin: Germany… Sample is forwarded to CH Group for onward submission to any Reputable LAB for confirmation of description whether the goods are alloy or otherwise composition aTHYSSENKRUPP STAHLKONTOR100826KG73924.338067EUROPIEAN UNIONKPPI
9/19/202372259100Alloy Coated Steel Coils of Secondary Quality Net Weight 27200 Kg(Approx)… Origin: Germany… Sample is forwarded to CH Group for onward submission to any Reputable LAB for confirmation of description whether the goods are alloy or otherwise composition aTHYSSENKRUPP STAHLKONTOR35000KG25096.444818EUROPIEAN UNIONKPPI
4/20/202372091610 Cold Rolled Non Grain Oriented Steel Coils of Secondary Quality Net Weight 27580 Kgs… Origin: Germany… Sample is forwarded to CH Group for onward submission to any Reputable LAB for confirmation of description whether the goods are alloy or otherwise cTHYSSENKRUPP STAHLKONTOR ZWEIGNIEDERLASSUNG DER164785KG72505.4EUROPIEAN UNIONKPPI
4/14/202372104910 Alloy Coated Steel Coils of Secondary Quality Net Weight 27200 Kg(Approx)… Origin: Germany… Sample is forwarded to CH Group for onward submission to any Reputable LAB for confirmation of description whether the goods are alloy or otherwise composition aTHYSSENKRUPP STAHLKONTOR135826KG59763.44EUROPIEAN UNIONKPPI

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Otherwise Import Data of Pakistanfrom Europiean union. We collect Otherwise Import Data of Pakistan from Europiean union with product and date. Otherwise ImportData of Pakistan from Europiean union helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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