Get Latest Pakistan Light led Import Data from Vietnam

Get latest Customs Import data of Pakistan from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/27/202485287211 LED SAMSUNG UN40M5300AF 40" VIETNAM 1NO, 1u252.909025VietnamKRPV
3/27/202485287211 LED 55" TV SAMSUNG QA5590CAU1u506.727795VietnamKRPV
3/27/202485287211 LED TV SAMSUNG 50" QM50B1u463.833153VietnamKRPV
3/26/202485287211 ONE UNIT LED TV SAMSUNG 43’ HG43AE690DK VIETNAM1u146.012225VietnamKRPV
3/26/202485287211 LED TV SONY 75’ KD-75X78AL1u1507.961165VietnamKRPV
3/25/202485287211 LED SONY KD55X75K 55"1u541.990299VietnamKRPV
3/25/202485287211 LED SAMSUNG 55’’ HG55AT690UK UHD1u774.744027VietnamKRPV
3/25/202485287211 LED TV SAMSUNG 55’ UA55CU7000U1u505.604454VietnamKRPV
3/22/202440112011 KUMHO BRAND TYRES FOR LIGHT TRUCK (TYRES ONLY WITHOUT TUBES) SIZE: 205 R-16C 8PR (MRP Rs: 20733/- GST Rs: 3732/-) (VR No: 1821/2023 date: 25/10/2023) VR S/No: 41 @$44 +3% ply diff @$ 45.32KUMHO TIRE VIETNAM CO LTD20u918.081552VietnamKAPE
3/22/202440112011 KUMHO BRAND TYRES FOR LIGHT TRUCK (TYRES ONLY WITHOUT TUBES) SIZE: 30 X9.50 R-15 6PR (MRP Rs: 25598/- GST Rs: 4608/-) (VR No: 1821/2023 date: 25/10/2023) VR S/No: 33 @$55KUMHO TIRE VIETNAM CO LTD20u1114.176396VietnamKAPE

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Light led Import Data of Pakistanfrom Vietnam. We collect Light led Import Data of Pakistan from Vietnam with product and date. Light led ImportData of Pakistan from Vietnam helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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