Get Latest Pakistan Label pack Import Data from Germany

Get latest Customs Import data of Pakistan from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/31/202458071090 2937147286 | CARE LABEL - MIX ET POLEISTERE | 0.04DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS1KG4.352517GermanyKPFI
3/31/202448211040 2937147286 | LABEL CF | 0.16DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS1KG17.046762GermanyKPFI
3/31/202458071090 2937147286 | CARE LABEL - MIX ET POLEISTERE | 0.02DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS1KG2.053956GermanyKPFI
3/30/202458071090 2815519431 | LOGO FABRIC LABEL 100X30 MM 100% PL | 0.02DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS1KG5.057553GermanyKPFI
3/30/202458071090 2815519431 | HP SIZE MARK LABEL 10X20 MM 100%PL | 0.01DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS1KG2.467625GermanyKPFI
3/30/202458071090 2815519431 | COMPOSITION LABEL 100%PL | 0.01DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS1KG1.802158GermanyKPFI
3/30/202484219910 4440966040 | MEDPURE L1 DI PACK | 10.08DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS1KG418.525179GermanyKPFI
3/30/202442050019 2815519431 | HP LEATHER LABEL 100% LHB | 0.51DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS1KG125.615107GermanyKPFI
3/29/202484099192 "PISTON AS Part No. 1014140 [PRICE 590.57 + IMPORT CHARGES 11.8117 + SEPARATE PACK FEE 11.8117] (Quantity Declarred in Nos)"CATERPILLAR SARL12KG7463.571942GermanyKAPW
3/29/202484099192 "RING-PISTON Part No. 1504789 (TOP PISTON RING)[PRICE 30.57 + IMPORT CHARGES 0.6115 + SEPARATE PACK FEE 0.6115] (Quantity Declarred in Nos)"CATERPILLAR SARL39KG1255.618705GermanyKAPW

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Label pack Import Data of Pakistanfrom Germany. We collect Label pack Import Data of Pakistan from Germany with product and date. Label pack ImportData of Pakistan from Germany helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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