Get Latest Pakistan Import Data of Ibc tank under HS Code 38249999

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Ibc tank under HS code 38249999. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Import Data.

3/28/202438249999 LN-4534SA POLY TANKNIHON PARKERIZING CO LTD204KG3239.913669JapanKAPW
3/28/202438249999 LN-4534SA POLY TANKNIHON PARKERIZING CO LTD204KG3239.913669JapanKAPW
3/28/202438249999 LN-4534SB POLY TANKNIHON PARKERIZING CO LTD204KG4534.435251JapanKAPW
3/28/202438249999 LN-4534SB POLY TANKNIHON PARKERIZING CO LTD204KG4534.435251JapanKAPW
3/27/202438249999 Goods examined in the light of scanned documents and detailed as under: Description: Purate 61M Packed in IBC Tank Lot No: SU4A0677A2 UN No: 2428 Net Wt: 21760 Kgs Approx. Brand: Nalco Water Origin: Not ShownECOLAB QUIMICA LTDA43520KG86912.204243Brazil KAPS
3/27/202438249999 BIOCIZER (ACETIC FATTY ACID ESTERS GLYCE) Packing: 1000 KGS x 3 IBC.RIKEVITA MALAYSIA SDN BHD3000KG19441.032002MalaysiaKPAF
3/27/202438249999 BIOCIZER (ACETIC FATTY ACID ESTERS GLYCE) Packing: 1000 KGS x 3 IBC.RIKEVITA MALAYSIA SDN BHD3000KG19441.032002MalaysiaKPAF
3/27/202438249999 Goods examined in the light of scanned documents and detailed as under: Description: Purate 61M Packed in IBC Tank Lot No: SU4A0677A2 UN No: 2428 Net Wt: 21760 Kgs Approx. Brand: Nalco Water Origin: Not ShownECOLAB QUIMICA LTDA43520KG86912.204243Brazil KAPS
3/21/202438249999 BELSIL UL 630 M5 950 KG IBC 2 STPALWACKER CHEMICALS CHINA COLTD34200KG67493.973438ChinaKAPW
3/14/202438249999 MIX BUTANOL IN ISO TANKLAMBENT GLOBAL TRADING LLC38700KG15677.716845South AfricaKAPW

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Ibc tank under HS code 38249999 Pakistan. We collect Import data of Ibc tank under HS code 38249999 with product anddate.Import data of Ibc tank under HS code 38249999 Pakistan helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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