Get Latest Pakistan Grape oil Import Data from Indonesia

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3/30/202415119020 R.B.D.PALM OIL.(INBULK),AS PER INVOICE PRICE U$.912/=PMT, & AS PER REUTER PRICE U$.866.30+FRIGHT U$.25=U$.891.30/=PMT,ASS BY D.V.PT Ivo Mas TuNggal500000KG461966.093525IndonesiaPQIB
3/30/202415119020 RBD PALM OIL (IN BULK) CONTRACT DATE: 11/01/2024 AVG REUTER PRICE US$: 847.50 + FREIGHT: 25 = 872.50/- PMT...PT Sumber INdah Perkasa250000KG224536.255395Indonesia PCSI
3/30/202415119020 R.B.D.PALM OIL.(INBULK),AS PER INVOICE PRICE U$.920/=PMT, & AS PER REUTER PRICE U$.878.80+FRIGHT U$.25=U$.903.80/=PMT,ASS BY D.V.PT Ivo Mas TuNggal500000KG466019.428057IndonesiaPQIB
3/30/202415119020 RBD PALM OIL IN BULK INVOICE $ 882/50/- PVMA REUTER FOB $ 842/50/- FRIGHT $ 25/- TOTAL C&F $ 867/50/- PMTApiCal Middle East FZCO300000KG268015.025179IndonesiaPQIB
3/30/202484213190 Oil Filter NW Each Pc Upto 250 Gm Pt No 67LA0 Origin Indonesia Qty 2000 Pcs Assessment VR 1402/19 Sr 4 (iv) USD 0.89/Pc AED 3.2663/Pc GD UOM IS PCS Evd KAPW-HC-123646-13-02-24 KAPW-HC-63003-31-10-23 KAPW-HC-40145-18-09-23ALLTRADE ENTERPRISES PTE LTD2000u1804.248201Indonesia KAPW
3/30/202415119020 RBD PALM OIL IN BULK INVOICE $ 905/- PVMA REUTER FOB $ 858/75/- FRIGHT $ 25/- TOTAL C&F $ 883/80/- PMTPT Ivo Mas TuNggal125000KG114545.726618IndonesiaPQIB
3/30/202415119020 RBD PALM OIL IN BULK INVOICE $ 867/- PVMA REUTER FOB $ 803/75/- FRIGHT $ 25/- TOTAL C&F $ 828/80/- PMTPT SiNar Mas Agro ResourCes And TeChNology250000KG219469.079136Indonesia PQIB
3/30/202415119020 RBD PALM OIL IN BULK INVOICE $ 905/- PVMA REUTER FOB $ 858/75/- FRIGHT $ 25/- TOTAL C&F $ 883/80/- PMTPT Ivo Mas TuNggal125000KG114545.726618IndonesiaPQIB
3/30/202415119020 R.B.D.PALM OIL.(INBULK),AS PER INVOICE PRICE U$.913/=PMT, & AS PER REUTER PRICE U$.865+FRIGHT U$.25=U$.890/=PMT,ASS BY D.V.PT Ivo Mas TuNggal500000KG462474.025179IndonesiaPQIB
3/30/202415119020 RBD PALM OIL (IN BULK) CONTRACT DATE: 27/12/2023 AVG REUTER PRICE US$: 830 + FREIGHT: 25 = 855/- PMT...PT SiNar Mas Agro ResourCes And TeChNology499896KG435253.690647Indonesia PCSI

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Grape oil Import Data of Pakistanfrom Indonesia. We collect Grape oil Import Data of Pakistan from Indonesia with product and date. Grape oil ImportData of Pakistan from Indonesia helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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