Get Latest Pakistan Import Data of Enhancer under HS Code 38229000

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Enhancer under HS code 38229000. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Import Data.

12/11/202338229000 DIAGONSTIC TYPE: K800421-2:EnV FLEX TRS High pH (50x) K800521-2:EnVision FLEX TRS Low pH (50x) 3 x 30 mL S080983-2:Antibody Diluent RTU 125 mL S196130-2:DAB Enhancer 30 mL S302380-2:Fluorescence Mounting Medium 15 mLAGILENT TECHNOLOGIES DENMARK A2.46KG936.11688DenmarkKPFI
10/24/202338229000DIAGONSTIC TYPE:S196130-2:DAB Enhancer 30 mL DIAGONSTIC TYPE: K800521-2:EnV FLEX TRS Low pH (50x) AR16192-2:Artisan Congo Red Stain KitAGILENT TECHNOLOGIES DENMARK APS4.3KG1337.053009USAKPFI
9/20/202338229000DIAGONSTIC TYPE: S080983-2:Dako Antibody Diluent S196130-2:DAB Enhancer 30 mL AR16992-2:Artisan Alcian Blue/PAS Stain KitAGILENT TECHNOLOGIES DENMARK APS5.16KG326.380388USAKPFI
9/5/202338229000DIAGONSTIC TYPE:S080983-2:Dako Ab Diluent S196130-2:DAB Enhancer 30 mL S302380-2:Fluorescence Mounting Medium 15mlAGILENT TECHNOLOGIES DENMARK APS0.74KG196.479449USAKPFI
8/16/202338229000 DIAGONSTIC TYPE: S196130-2:DAB Enhancer 30 mL S302380-2:Fluorescence Mounting Medium 15ml AR31411-6:Artisan Maintenance KitAGILENT TECHNOLOGIES DENMARK APS1.83KG473.171408USAKPFI
6/24/202338229000 DIAGONSTIC TYPE:S080983-2:Dako Ab Diluent S202386-2:Dako REAL Peroxidase-Blocking Solution S196130:Dab EnhancerAGILENT TECHNOLOGIES DENMARK APS1.4KG133USAKPFI
6/2/202338229000 DIAGONSTIC TYPE: S080983-2:Antibody Diluent RTU 125 mL S196130-2:DAB Enhancer 30 mL S202230-2:Dako REAL Antibody Diluent 250 ml S302380-2:Fluorescence Mounting Medium AR16992-2:Artisan AlcBlue/PAS Stain KitAGILENT TECHNOLOGIES DENMARK APS4.75KG582.0175USAKPFI

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Enhancer under HS code 38229000 Pakistan. We collect Import data of Enhancer under HS code 38229000 with product anddate.Import data of Enhancer under HS code 38229000 Pakistan helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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