Get Latest Pakistan Import Data of Document under HS Code 38229000

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Document under HS code 38229000. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Import Data.

3/15/202438229000 LIAISON XL-Starter Kit Custom Tariff 3822190090 Delivery note 5001286921 of 12.12.2023 Your order PO7030 of 31.10.2023 Sales Document 1445074 Country of origin European Union Lot nr. 816314 Exp. date/Shelf life 28.09.2024 30,000 EUR 350,000 NU 10.500,00DIASORIN SPA616KG11762.328251ItalyKAPW
3/15/202438229000 LIAISON Wash/System Liquid Custom Tariff 3822190090 Delivery note 5001286895 of 12.12.2023 Your order PO7029 of 31.10.2023 Sales Document 1445075 Country of origin USA Lot nr. 211183 Exp. date/Shelf life 25.04.2025 50,000 EUR 150,000 NU 7.500,00DIASORIN SPA150KG8401.689686ItalyKAPW
3/4/202438229000 (X) 319300 LIAISON EASY Starter kit Custom Tariff 3822190090 Delivery note 5001304473 of 13.02.2024 Your order PO7127 of 15.01.2024 Sales Document 1467185 Country of origin European Union Lot nr. 817344 Exp. date/Shelf life 19.04.2025 31 500 EUR 2 000 NU DIASORIN SPA10KG279.068434Italy KPFI
3/4/202438229000 MUREX HBSAG V3 (480 Tests) Custom Tariff 3822190090 Delivery note 5001305271 of 09.02.2024 Your order PO7044 of 08.11.2023 Sales Document 1447527 Country of origin European Union Lot nr. EO25910 Exp. date/Shelf life 31.10.2024 302 000 EUR 30 000 NU 9DIASORIN SPA100KG10033.19957Italy KPFI
2/28/202438229000 (A) 310250 LIAISON XL Murex HBsAg Quant Custom Tariff 3822190090 Delivery note 5001302212 of 07.02.2024 Your order PO7069 of 04.12.2023 Sales Document 1455637 Country of origin European Union Lot nr. 132066 Exp. date/Shelf life 30.03.2025 66 000 EUR 50 0DIASORIN SPA100KG27669.67Italy KPFI
12/31/202338229000 8E04-01 ICE SYPHILIS (480 Test) Custom Tariff 3822190090 Delivery note 5001287886 of 14.12.2023 Your order PO6939 of 23.08.2023 Sales Document 1424124 Country of origin United Kingdom Lot nr. E030310 Exp. date/Shelf life 30.06.2024 191 760 EUR 50 000 NU DIASORIN SPA904KG223765.803476ItalyKPFI
12/27/202338229000 ) 319200 LIAISON XL-Starter Kit Custom Tariff 3822190090 Delivery note 5001286533 of 12.12.2023 Your order PO6971 of 15.09.2023 Sales Document 1431097 Country of origin European Union Lot nr. 816314 Exp. date/Shelf life 28.09.2024 25 005 EUR 200 000 NU 5.DIASORIN ITALIA SPA200KG5646.078952ItalyKPFI
12/27/202338229000 9F80-05 Murex HBSAG V3 (480 Test) Custom Tariff 3822190090 Delivery note 5001287886 of 14.12.2023 Your order PO6939 of 23.08.2023 Sales Document 1424124 Country of origin European Union Lot nr. E025910 Exp. date/Shelf life 31.05.2024 105 000 EUR 47 000 NDIASORIN ITALIA SPA47KG5571.566648ItalyKPFI
11/2/202338229000 7G79-11 Murex HIV AGAB Comb (480 Test) Custom Tariff 38221300 Delivery note 5001265414 of 13.10.2023 Your order PO6947 of 31.08.2023 Sales Document 1426558 Country of origin European Union Lot nr. E019410 303 600 EUR 20 000 NU 6.072 00 9F80-05 Murex HBSAGDIASORIN SPA200KG34234.087357ItalyKPAF
10/28/202338229000LIAISON XL Murex HCV Ab Custom Tariff 3822190090 Delivery note 5001267233 of 18.10.2023 Your order 6929 of 15.09.2023 Sales Document 1430940 Country of origin European Union Lot nr. 346016 Exp. date/Shelf life 17.11.2024 66 000 EUR 10 000 NU 660 00 LIAIDIASORIN SPA200KG60710.444722ItalyKPFI

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Document under HS code 38229000 Pakistan. We collect Import data of Document under HS code 38229000 with product anddate.Import data of Document under HS code 38229000 Pakistan helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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