Get Latest Pakistan Import Data of Beer can under HS Code 32089090

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Beer can under HS code 32089090. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Import Data.

3/25/202432089090 TT6635-MAGNETICFORCE (M2F) (1184 LITERS IN 74 CAN)KCC CORPORATION 06608 344 SAPYEONGDAERO SEOC1160.32KG33119.859888South KoreaKAPS
3/25/202432089090 HARDNER FOR BASE 958(HMC)C.A (E) (3.2 LITERS IN 2 CAN)KCC CORPORATION 06608 344 SAPYEONGDAERO SEOC3.23KG30.06287South KoreaKAPS
3/25/202432089090 BASE TT6635-PHANTON BLACK(NKA) (1120 LITERS IN 70 CAN)KCC CORPORATION 06608 344 SAPYEONGDAERO SEOC1086.4KG8262.823783South KoreaKAPS
3/25/202432089090 PLASTIC PRIMER RP2143(H)-L/GREY (160 LITERS IN 10 CAN)KCC CORPORATION 06608 344 SAPYEONGDAERO SEOC156.8KG901.688521South KoreaKAPS
3/25/202432089090 HERDENER FOR CLEAR UT595-B (50 LITERS IN 50 CAN)KCC CORPORATION 06608 344 SAPYEONGDAERO SEOC49KG550.238907South KoreaKAPS
3/25/202432089090 TT6635-MAGNETICFORCE (M2F) (1184 LITERS IN 74 CAN)KCC CORPORATION 06608 344 SAPYEONGDAERO SEOC1160.32KG33119.859888South KoreaKAPS
3/25/202432089090 OEM PRIMER FU2270-DARKGREY(PK) (1088 LITERS IN 68 CAN)KCC CORPORATION 06608 344 SAPYEONGDAERO SEOC1218.56KG7012.085503South KoreaKAPS
3/25/202432089090 HARDNER FOR BASE 958(HMC)C.A (E) (3.2 LITERS IN 2 CAN)KCC CORPORATION 06608 344 SAPYEONGDAERO SEOC3.23KG30.06287South KoreaKAPS
3/25/202432089090 TT6635-RAINfORCEST (R2F) (320 LITERS IN 20 CAN)KCC CORPORATION 06608 344 SAPYEONGDAERO SEOC313.6KG8000.474223South KoreaKAPS
3/25/202432089090 URETHANE T/UP CLEAR UT578(A)-9000 (HMC) (7.28 LITERS IN 2 CAN)KCC CORPORATION 06608 344 SAPYEONGDAERO SEOC6.99KG53.116579South KoreaKAPS

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Beer can under HS code 32089090 Pakistan. We collect Import data of Beer can under HS code 32089090 with product anddate.Import data of Beer can under HS code 32089090 Pakistan helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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