Get Latest Pakistan Import Data of Amine under HS Code 38249999

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Amine under HS code 38249999. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Import Data.

1/3/202438249999 1. Philmplus 5065D Packed in Drum Net Weight 4550 Kg(Approx)… Test report (Receipt No. 165055) The sample on test is found to be a preparation consisting of amine derivative and polymeric derivative and other organic additives put up in mineral hydrocVEOLIA WATER TECHNOLOGIES AND4550KG14426.35United Arab Emirates KPPI
1/3/202438249999 2. Optisperse HP 3100 Packed in Drum Net Weight 7040 Kg(Approx)… Test report (Receipt No. 165052) The sample on test is found to a preparation consisting of phosphates in association amine derivative and alkali salts put up in an aqueous medium. It isVEOLIA WATER TECHNOLOGIES AND7040KG8620.59United Arab Emirates KPPI
1/3/202438249999 6. Hypersperse MDC 714 Packed in IBC Tank Net Weight 3750 Kg(Approx)… Test report (Receipt No. 165053) The sample on test is found to a preparation consisting of phosphonates in association with amine derivative and alkali salts put up in an aqueous mVEOLIA WATER TECHNOLOGIES AND3750KG7953.8United Arab Emirates KPPI
11/21/202338249999 1) Curing Agent 75, Batch No: 20230926, Exp: 25.Sep.2024, Packed In Drums, Net Wt. 2400 Kgs Approx. RECEIPT NO: 163424 REPORT: Sample on test gave following results: 1. Physical state: COLORLESS liquid 2. Characteristic amine odor 3. Solubility: partialHUBEI BESTWAY TECHNOLOGY CO2400KG10702.013258China KAPS
11/7/202338249999 CCDC-POLY ABB PLUS CCDC-POLY ABB PLUS HIGH PERFORMANCE ANTI BIT BALLING AGENT ROP INHANCER NET WEIGHT 16000 KGS APPROX Receipt No: 162963 Report: Sample on test is found to be preparation consisting of vegetable oil in association with other oil amine deUPCHEMY FZE40000KG118118.691523United Arab Emirates KAPW
10/5/202338249999MAX-AMINE 70B (PAIL PACKING)VEOLIA WATER TECHNOLOGIES And SO400KG3006.060924NetherlandKAPW
10/5/202338249999MAX-AMINE 70B (DRUM PACKING)VEOLIA WATER TECHNOLOGIES And SO420KG2265.147058NetherlandKAPW

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Amine under HS code 38249999 Pakistan. We collect Import data of Amine under HS code 38249999 with product anddate.Import data of Amine under HS code 38249999 Pakistan helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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