Get Latest Pakistan Nylon span Export Data to Usa

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3/30/202461159500 DYED COTTON SOCKS 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester(RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)+1%Polyester(RM0186) (EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DATED 29/03INterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit7252u776.69USAKPPE
3/30/202461159500 Unisexapparel(PC0005)/Socks,hosiery(PD0009)-50%Cotton(RM0102)+23%Recycledpost-consumerPolyester(RM0189)+22%RecycledpreconsumerCotton( RM0106)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160) BLEACHED COTTON SOCKS. EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit3066u321.93USAKPPE
3/30/202461159500 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)+1%Polyester(RM0186) DYED COTTON SOCKS (EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DATED 29/INterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit1078u113.19USAKPPE
3/30/202461159500 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)+1%Polyester(RM0186) DYED COTTON SOCKS DETAIL AS PER INVOICE & PACKING LIST. EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit420u44.1USAKPPE
3/30/202461159500 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+4%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160) BLEACHED & DYED COTTON SOCKS (EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DATED 29/03/2008INterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit5656u593.88USAKPPE
3/30/202461159500 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)+1%Polyester(RM0186) DYED COTTON SOCKS (EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DATED 2INterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit364u38.22USAKPPE
3/30/202461159500 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)+1%Polyester(RM0186) DYED COTTON SOCKS (EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DATED 29/INterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit406u42.63USAKPPE
3/30/202461159500 BLEACHED & DYED COTTON SOCKS 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+4%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160) DETAIL AS PER INVOICE & PACKING LIST. EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit1134u119.07USAKPPE
3/30/202461159500 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)+1%Polyester(RM0186) DYED COTTON SOCKS (EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DATED 2INterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit3220u344.86USAKPPE
3/29/202442032910 (955 PAIRS) TRANSITION GLOVES M/O Goat Leather + Nylon Lycra & DIRT BAG MITTS M/O Goat Leather + Poly Nylon & STONE GLOVES M/O Goat LeatherMS FIRST AMERICAN CORPORATION PRIVATE LIMITED955u7915USAKPEX

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Nylon span Export Data of Pakistanfrom Usa. We collect Nylon span Export Data of Pakistan to Usa with product and date. Nylon span ExportData of Pakistan from Usa helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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