Get Latest Pakistan Nylon goods Export Data to Netherland

Get latest Customs Export data of Pakistan to Netherland for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/31/202462033900 TEXTILE GOODS AND SPORTS WEARS AS PER INV NO: VG-5035 DT: 31-03-2024VEZRA GROUP745u1918.93NetherlandIPAE
3/30/202461159500 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)+1%Polyester(RM0186) DYED COTTON SOCKS DETAIL AS PER INV & PLINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit1302u136.71NetherlandKPPE
3/30/202463090000 HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PERSONAL EFFECTS PP # AM3347594 A/TKT # 176-2366333078SYED HASSAN RAZA BUKHARI1KG503.6NetherlandKPPE
3/30/202461159500 52%Cotton(RM0102)+22%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+21%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)/Unisexapparel(PC0005) BLEACHED & DYED COTTON SOCKS DETAIL AS PER INV & PLINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit13496u2101.33NetherlandKPPE
3/30/202461159500 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)+1%Polyester(RM0186) 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit13160u1409.44NetherlandKPPE
3/30/202461159500 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)+1%Polyester(RM0186) DYED COTTON SOCKS DETAIL AS PER INV & PLINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit238u24.99NetherlandKPPE
3/29/202461151090 SPORTS GOODS M/OAS PER INV-NO-MB-22-23-24-DT-28-03-2024MR BELTREGD1114u3974NetherlandSPEX
3/29/202461151090 SPORTS GOODS M/OAS PER INV-NO-MB-22-23-24-DT-28-03-2024MR BELTREGD1114u3974.33NetherlandSPEX
3/29/202442032910 (323 PAIRS) TRANSITION GLOVES MADE OF Goat Leather + Nylon Lycra & DIRT BAG MITTS MADE OF Goat Leather + Poly NylonMS FIRST AMERICAN CORPORATION PRIVATE LIMITED323u2897.63NetherlandKPEX
3/29/202442032910 (323 PAIRS) TRANSITION GLOVES MADE OF Goat Leather + Nylon Lycra & DIRT BAG MITTS MADE OF Goat Leather + Poly NylonMS FIRST AMERICAN CORPORATION PRIVATE LIMITED323u2897NetherlandKPEX

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Nylon goods Export Data of Pakistanfrom Netherland. We collect Nylon goods Export Data of Pakistan to Netherland with product and date. Nylon goods ExportData of Pakistan from Netherland helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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