Get Latest Pakistan Export Data of Elastane under HS Code 61159500

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3/30/202461159500 Unisexapparel(PC0005)/Socks,hosiery(PD0009)-20.0%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+78.0%Cotton(RM0102)+2.0%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160) BLEACHED & DYED COTTON SOCKS. EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DATED 29/03INterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit620u95.48NetherlandKPPE
3/30/202461159500 52%Cotton(RM0102)+22%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+21%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)/Unisexapparel(PC0005) BLEACHED & DYED COTTON SOCKS (EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(IINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit1582u246.32Malaysia KPPE
3/30/202461159500 73%Cotton(RM0102)+24%Recycledpost-consumerPolyester(RM0189)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RMO160)+1%Polyester(RM0186) DYED COTTON SOCKS (EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DATED 29/03/2008) DETAIL AS PER INVOICE & PACKING LIST.INterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit1000u189South Africa KPPE
3/30/202461159500 52%Cotton(RM0102)+22%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+21%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)/Unisexapparel(PC0005) BLEACHED & DYED COTTON SOCKS DETAIL AS PER INVOICE & PACKING LIST.EXPORT FROM EINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit4438u691Belgium KPPE
3/30/202461159500 Unisexapparel(PC0005)/Socks,hosiery(PD0009)-20.0%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+78.0%Cotton(RM0102)+2.0%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160) BLEACHED & DYED COTTON SOCKS (EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DATED 29/03/2008) DETAIL AS PERINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit3760u522.64Sweden KPPE
3/30/202461159500 BLEACHED & DYED COTTON SOCKS Unisexapparel(PC0005)/Socks,hosiery(PD0009)-20.0%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester(RM0189)+78.0%Cotton(RM0102)+2.0%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160) (EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DATED 29/03/2008) DETAIL AS PER INVINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit1000u139Turkey KPPE
3/30/202461159500 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)+1%Polyester(RM0186) DYED COTTON SOCKS DETAIL AS PER INV & PL Export from Export Oriented Unit under SINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit980u104.96Canada KPPE
3/30/202461159500 50%Cotton(RM0102)+21%Recycledpre-consumerCotton(RM0106)+23%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3%Polyamide(Nylon)(RM0182)+2%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)+1%Polyester(RM0186) DYED COTTON SOCKS (EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DATED 29/INterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit3808u399.84PolandKPPE
3/30/202461159500 Unisexapparel(PC0005)/Socks,hosiery(PD0009)-23.0%RecycledpostconsumerPolyester( RM0189)+3.0%Elastane(Spandex)(RM0160)+74.0%Cotton(RM0102) BLEACHED COTTON SOCKS. DETAIL AS PER INVOICE & PACKING LIST. EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DAINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit7476u795.45Malaysia KPPE
3/30/202461159500 81%Cotton17%Polyamide2%Elastane BLEACHED & DYED COTTON SOCKS (EXPORT FROM EXPORT ORIENTED UNIT UNDER SRO 327(I)/08 DATED 29/03/2008) DETAIL AS PER INVOICE & PACKING LISTINterloop Limited KNittiNg UNit4060u533.49USAKPPE

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Export data of Elastane underHS code 61159500 Pakistan. We collect Export data of Elastane under HS code 61159500 with product anddate.Export data of Elastane under HS code 61159500 Pakistan helps to analyze Export price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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