Get Latest Pakistan Export Data of Day days under HS Code 63023190

Discover latest Pakistan shipment data of Day days under HS code 63023190. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Pakistan Export Data.

8/15/202363023190 100% COTTON PRINTED DUVET SET (M-36-0156-24) (DA 90 DAYS FROM B/L DATE (60) (FINISHED TEXTILE ITEM (MILL MADE) (Export from Export Facilitation Scheme under SRO 957(I)/21 Dated 30/07/2021 & “UOM OF IMP.MAT.CONS AS PER INV. #”).Nishat Mills Limited720.92KG8045.19USAKPPE
8/11/202363023190 65% COTTON 35% LINEN PRINTED DUVET COVER (M-36-0147-24) (DA 60 DAYS (30) (FINISHED TEXTILE ITEM (MILL MADE) (Export from Export Facilitation Scheme under SRO 957(I)/21 Dated 30/07/2021).Nishat Mills Limited66.4KG963.03Saudi Arabia KPEX
8/11/202363023190 65% COTTON 35% LINEN PRINTED DUVET COVER (M-36-0146-24) (DA 60 DAYS (30) (FINISHED TEXTILE ITEM (MILL MADE) (Export from Export Facilitation Scheme under SRO 957(I)/21 Dated 30/07/2021).Nishat Mills Limited191.2KG2775.11United Arab Emirates KPEX
8/10/202363023190 65% COTTON 35% LINEN PRINTED DUVET COVER (M-36-0148-24) (DA 60 DAYS (30) (FINISHED TEXTILE ITEM (MILL MADE) (Export from Export Facilitation Scheme under SRO 957(I)/21 Dated 30/07/2021).Nishat Mills Limited109.4KG1905.51Australia KPPE
8/3/202363023190 100% COTTON PRINTED BED SET (M-36-0115-24) (AT 115 DAYS FROM SHIPMENT DATE (115) (FINISHED TEXTILE ITEM (MILL MADE) (Export from Export Facilitation Scheme under SRO 957(I)/21 Dated 30/07/2021 & “UOM OF IMP.MAT.CONS AS PER INV. #”).Nishat Mills Limited998.25KG12289.64United Kingdom KPEX
8/3/202363023190 100% COTTON PRINTED DUVET COVER (M-36-0114-24) (DA 60 DAYS (30) (FINISHED TEXTILE ITEM (MILL MADE) (Export from Export Facilitation Scheme under SRO 957(I)/21 Dated 30/07/2021 & “UOM OF IMP.MAT.CONS AS PER INV. #”).Nishat Mills Limited2501.25KG33842.52USAKPPE
7/31/202363023190 100% COTTON PRINTED DUVET SET (M-36-0096-24) (DA 60 DAYS (1) (FINISHED TEXTILE ITEM (MILL MADE) (Export from Export Facilitation Scheme under SRO 957(I)/21 Dated 30/07/2021).Nishat Mills Limited96.1KG887.02Germany KPEX
7/24/202363023190 100% COTTON PRINTED DUVET COVER SET (M-36-0076-24) (AT 110 DAYS FROM THE SHIPMENT DATE (111) (FINISHED TEXTILE ITEM (MILL MADE) (Export from Export Facilitation Scheme under SRO 957(I)/21 Dated 30/07/2021 & “UOM OF IMP.MAT.CONS AS PER INV. #”).Nishat Mills Limited1485.3KG14866.1United Kingdom KPPE
7/12/202363023190 100% COTTON PRINTED DUVET (M-36-0031-24) (DA 60 DAYS (30) (FINISHED TEXTILE ITEM (MILL MADE) (Export from Export Oriented Unit under SRO 327(I)/08 Dated 29/03/2008).NISHAT MILLS LIMITED25.2KG538.31USAKPPE
7/7/202363023190 100% COTTON PRINTED DUVET COVER SET (M-36-0006-24) (AT 90 DAYS AFTER BILL OF LADING DATE (FINISHED TEXTILE ITEM (MILL MADE) (Export from Export Oriented Unit under SRO 327(I)/08 Dated 29/03/2008 & “UOM OF IMP.MAT.CONS AS PER INV. #” under SRO 957(I)/21 DaNISHAT MILLS LIMITED6366KG107088.63United Kingdom KPEX

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Export data of Day days underHS code 63023190 Pakistan. We collect Export data of Day days under HS code 63023190 with product anddate.Export data of Day days under HS code 63023190 Pakistan helps to analyze Export price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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