Get Latest Pakistan Cement opc Export Data to Tanzania

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3/22/202425232900 Cement in bag under imported B/E No PQIB-FS-12384 dt 29-12-23 F#C- PQIB-001967 dt 29-12-23 IGM#PQIB-862-23 dt 29-12-23 index# 3 export qty in mt 4000.000 consumed in mt 548.000 import under EFS SRO 957(I)/21 dt 30-7-21LuCky CemeNt Limited4000000KG164206TanzaniaKEXB
3/21/202425232900 Cement in bags B/E No PQIB- FS-13705 dated 19-1-24 IGM PQIB- 5-24 dt 1-1-24 Index # 6 Exp Qty MT 13604.651 total consumed in MT 1741.395 Packing 272093 PP Bags of 50 kg each packed in 6802.00 bags of 2 ton sling bag(for export only)POWER CEMENT LIMITED13604651KG586262TanzaniaPQEB
1/17/202425232900 OPC Cement Under EFS Scheme 12th-2(1)-30/6/19 Part II of First Schedule-1-01/07/2020 9917.0000-5-02/06/12 B/E #PQIB-FS-12051 Dt 26-12-23 IGM# PQIB-846-23 Dt 22-12-23 Index # 02 HS Code 2701.1900 EFS Licence No EFS- GWDE-0709778-4-22-11-2021 l UtilizationATTOCK CEMENT PAKISTAN LIMITED3000000KG116891.52TanzaniaKEXB
1/4/202425232900 OPC Cement Under EFS Scheme 12th-2(1)-30/6/19 Part II of First Schedule-1-01/07/2020 9917.0000-5-02/06/12 B/E #PQIB-FS-12051 Dt 26-12-23 IGM# PQIB-846-23 Dt 22-12-23 Index # 02 HS Code 2701.1900 EFS Licence No EFS- GWDE-0709778-4-22-11-2021 Utilization 2 ATTOCK CEMENT PAKISTAN LIMITED20000000KG783865.66TanzaniaKEXB
1/2/202425232900 OPC Cement Under EFS Scheme 12th-2(1)-30/6/19 Part II of First Schedule-1-01/07/2020 9917.0000-5-02/06/12 B/E #PQIB-FS-12051 Dt 26-12-23 IGM# PQIB-846-23 Dt 22-12-23 Index # 02 HS Code 2701.1900 EFS Licence No EFS- GWDE-0709778-4-22-11-2021 l UtilizationATTOCK CEMENT PAKISTAN LIMITED500000KG19220.45TanzaniaKEXB
1/2/202425232900 OPC Cement Under EFS Scheme 12th-2(1)-30/6/19 Part II of First Schedule-1-01/07/2020 9917.0000-5-02/06/12 B/E #PQIB-FS-12051 Dt 26-12-23 IGM# PQIB-846-23 Dt 22-12-23 Index # 02 HS Code 2701.1900 EFS Licence No EFS- GWDE-0709778-4-22-11-2021 l Utilization ATTOCK CEMENT PAKISTAN LIMITED4500000KG176401.06TanzaniaKEXB
12/23/202325232900 Cement in bag under imported B/E No PQIB-FS-6365 dt 28-9-23 F#C- PQIB-001699 dt 28-9-23 IGM#PQIB-618-23 dt 25-9-23 index# 3 export qunty in mt 5000 consumed in mt 685.000 import under EFS SRO 957(I)/21 dt 30-7-21LuCky CemeNt Limited5000000KG190370.37TanzaniaPQEB
12/1/202325232900 Cement in bag under imported B/E No PQIB-HC-17593 dt 11-4-23 F#C- PQIB-000634 dt 11-4-23 IGM#PQIB-196-23 dt 7-4-23 index# 2 export qunty in mt 3000 consumed in mt 411.000 DTRE#PCSE-2649-30032023 HS code # 2701.1200LuCky CemeNt Limited3000000KG115292.93TanzaniaPQEB
11/18/202325232900 Cement in bags B/E No.PQIB-FS-7512 Dated 17-10-23 IGM # PQIB-661-23 DT 12-10-23 Index # 3 Export Qty MT 994 Total Consumed in MT 127.232.000 DTRE#EFS-HCSE-0700886-36-03-07-2023POWER CEMENT LIMITED994000KG43700.27TanzaniaKEXB
11/14/202325232900 Cement in bags B/E No.PQIB-FS-7374 Dated 13-10-23 IGM # PQIB-661-23 DT 12-10-23 Index # 1 Export Qty MT 2800 Total Consumed in MT 358.400 B/E No FS-7462 dated 16-10-23 IGM#661 DT 12-10-23 Index # 2 Export Qty 12200 Total Consumed in MT 1561.600 DTRE#EFS-HPOWER CEMENT LIMITED15000000KG658657.47TanzaniaKEXB

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Cement opc Export Data of Pakistanfrom Tanzania. We collect Cement opc Export Data of Pakistan to Tanzania with product and date. Cement opc ExportData of Pakistan from Tanzania helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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