Get Latest Indonesia Plasti bag Import Data from Germany

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3/29/202430049099GELAFUSAL INFUSION 4 % 500 ML PP BAG (ID)NA6000Piece22816GermanyCeNgkareNg SOekarNO Hatta u
3/28/202483023090BRACKET CTR LH /OEM/ BAG DR KEL KEND BRMTR (A 206 680 13 05)NA160Piece137GermanyCeNgkareNg SOekarNO Hatta u
3/28/202487082993INSULATION MAIN FLOOR CTR RH /OEM/ BAG DR KEL KEND BRMTR (A 214 682 63 01)NA72Piece63GermanyCeNgkareNg SOekarNO Hatta u
3/28/202473269099FASTENING CLIP /OEM/ BAG DR KEL KEND BRMTR (A 223 991 02 00)NA460Piece49GermanyCeNgkareNg SOekarNO Hatta u
3/28/202439231090BEARING FORMED PART /OEM/ BAG DR KEL KEND BRMTR (A 206 750 30 00)NA316Piece120GermanyCeNgkareNg SOekarNO Hatta u
3/28/202487082993PROTECTIVE CAP / F. MUTTER M8 /OEM/ BAG DR KEL KEND BRMTR (A 001 546 61 35)NA500Piece21GermanyCeNgkareNg SOekarNO Hatta u
3/28/202483023090BRACKET RR RH LOUDSPEAKER /OEM/ BAG DR KEL KEND BRMTR (A 214 545 15 00)NA104Piece101GermanyCeNgkareNg SOekarNO Hatta u
3/28/202487082993CONSOLE RH B-PILLAR /OEM/ BAG DR KEL KEND BRMTR (A 206 781 02 00)NA60Piece56GermanyCeNgkareNg SOekarNO Hatta u
3/28/202487082993COVER TRIM RHD /OEM/ BAG DR KEL KEND BRMTR (A 214 683 01 00)NA144Piece131GermanyCeNgkareNg SOekarNO Hatta u
3/28/202485122020INTERIOR LIGHT AET-ENTRY /OEM/ BAG DR KEL KEND BRMTR (A 000 906 43 10)NA800Piece1051GermanyCeNgkareNg SOekarNO Hatta u

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Search Global Export - Import Trade Data

Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Plasti bag Import Data of Indonesiafrom Germany. We collect Plasti bag Import Data of Indonesia from Germany with product and date. Plasti bag ImportData of Indonesia from Germany helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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