Get Latest Indonesia Import Data of Bag ladies leather under HS Code 42022900

Discover latest Indonesia shipment data of Bag ladies leather under HS code 42022900. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Indonesia Import Data.

10/31/202442022900LADY'S BAG ANNC06 X21-17YIWU BOXIN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD25Piece119.16ChinaTanjung Emas
10/31/202442022900LADY'S BAG RY6821 X21-84YIWU BOXIN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD25Piece171.72ChinaTanjung Emas
10/31/202442022900LADY'S BAG LYL16 X21-6YIWU BOXIN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD25Piece112.15ChinaTanjung Emas
10/31/202442022900LADY'S BAG ZZJ7046 X21-81YIWU BOXIN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD25Piece122.66ChinaTanjung Emas
10/31/202442022900LADY'S BAG KFK8038-2 X21-33YIWU BOXIN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD25Piece140.18ChinaTanjung Emas
10/31/202442022900LADY'S BAG KK972 X21-47YIWU BOXIN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD10Piece61.68ChinaTanjung Emas
10/31/202442022900LADY'S BAG ZZJ7670 X21-2YIWU BOXIN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD25Piece73.6ChinaTanjung Emas
10/31/202442022900BAGT3 EXPRESS PTE LTD500Piece3222.01SingaporeBatu Ampar
10/31/202442022900LADY'S BAG HXT1091-11 X21-13YIWU BOXIN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD23Piece132.19ChinaTanjung Emas
10/31/202442022900LADY'S BAG ALXG8915-9 X21-104YIWU BOXIN IMPORT AND EXPORT CO.,LTD25Piece126.16ChinaTanjung Emas

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Bag ladies leather under HS code 42022900 Indonesia. We collect Import data of Bag ladies leather under HS code 42022900 with product anddate.Import data of Bag ladies leather under HS code 42022900 Indonesia helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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