Get Latest Indonesia Alumina Import Data from Japan

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10/31/202468061000PO NO. IMA-PO-24-02737(NSJ) ECOFLEX 204-687-0 ALUMINA FIBER WITH BINDERS 200M-LBNICHIAS CORPORATION164.61Kilogram10186JapanTanjung Priok
10/31/202468061000PO NO. IMA-PO-24-02737(NSJ) ECOFLEX 978-031-0 ALUMINA FIBER WITH BINDERS 200M-LBNICHIAS CORPORATION122.32Kilogram6717.53JapanTanjung Priok
10/31/202468061000PO NO. IMA-PO-24-02737(NSJ) ECOFLEX 204-613-0 ALUMINA FIBER WITH BINDERS 200M-LBNICHIAS CORPORATION98.21Kilogram6158.69JapanTanjung Priok
10/31/202468061000PO NO. IMA-PO-24-02737(NSJ) ECOFLEX 204-612-0 ALUMINA FIBER WITH BINDERS 200M-LBNICHIAS CORPORATION122.76Kilogram7559.76JapanTanjung Priok
10/30/202428182000ALUMINA POWDER (DISPAL 23N4-80) (CAS:1318-23-6; 7732-18-5; 7697-37-2)TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION125Kilogram806.32JapanTanjung Priok
10/30/202428182000ALUMINA POWDER (SCFA-100L4) (CAS:1344-28-1 ; 1312-81-8)TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION1000Kilogram7465.25JapanTanjung Priok
10/30/202428182000ALUMINA POWDER (MI-386) (CAS:1344-28-1 ; 1312-81-8)TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION250Kilogram2319.3JapanTanjung Priok
10/30/202438241000ALUMINA SOL L7 (CAS : 1344-28-1, 79-33-4, 7664-41-7, 7732-18-5)TOYOTA TSUSHO CORPORATION400Kilogram1902.88JapanTanjung Priok
10/29/202468053000"IMT" BRAND PRODUCTS S17IM-0503 ALUMINA POWDERTHAI SENG TRADING CO., LTD.3Piece162.96JapanCengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)
10/29/202468053000"IMT" BRAND PRODUCTS S13SG-A1-005 ALUMINA SLURRYTHAI SENG TRADING CO., LTD.1Litre ( 1 dm3 )85.52JapanCengkareng / Soekarno Hatta (u)

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Alumina Import Data of Indonesiafrom Japan. We collect Alumina Import Data of Indonesia from Japan with product and date. Alumina ImportData of Indonesia from Japan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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