Get Latest Indonesia Import Data of Adhesive label under HS Code 48162010

Discover latest Indonesia shipment data of Adhesive label under HS code 48162010. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Indonesia Import Data.

10/31/202448162010LP CJ25 07A01MEX - HEAT TRANSFER LABEL (3000 PCE (1 PCE = 0.0000005 TNE)) - (AI-HS LBL/HEATSEAL LABEL)SML VIET NAM BRANDING0.0015Metric ton54VietnamN/A
10/23/202448162010HEAT TRANSFER , GAP #IGPG-251894 (34640 PCS (1 PCS = 0.0000000894 TNE)) - (AI-HS LBL/HEATSEAL LABEL)R-PAC VIETNAM0.0031Metric ton480.11VietnamN/A
10/23/202448162010HEAT SEAL PET GO TGK SILICON LABEL (1852 PCS (1 PCS = 0.000000755 TNE)) - (AI-HS LBL/HEATSEAL LABEL)SAMWON VIETNAM CO., LTD0.0014Metric ton92.6VietnamN/A
10/21/202448162010HEAT TRANSFER LABEL (6150 PCS (1 PCS = 0.00000013 TNE)) - (AI-HS LBL/HEATSEAL LABEL)R-PAC HONG KONG LTD.0.0008Metric ton307.5Hong KongN/A
10/18/202448162010LABEL (26780 PCS (1 PCS = 0.000000254 TNE) - (AI-HS LBL/HEATSEAL LABEL)SML VIET NAM BRANDING0.0068Metric ton409.73VietnamN/A
10/17/202448162010HEAT TRANSFER #IGPG-251044 (4150 PCS ( 1 PCS = 0.00000016 TNE)) - (AI-HS LBL/HEATSEAL LABEL)R-PAC VIETNAM0.0007Metric ton57.52VietnamN/A
10/17/202448162010HEAT TRANSFER #IGPG-251044 (900 PCS (1 PCS = 0.00000011 TNE)) - (AI-HS LBL/HEATSEAL LABEL)R-PAC VIETNAM0.0001Metric ton15.36VietnamN/A
10/17/202448162010LABEL (29023 PCS (1 PCS = 0.00000025 TNE )) - (AI-HS LBL/HEATSEAL LABEL)SML VIET NAM BRANDING0.0072Metric ton444.05VietnamN/A
10/16/202448162010HEATSEAL LABEL (3150 EA (1 EA = 0.00000044 TNE)) - (AI-HS LBL/HEATSEAL LABEL)HANSAE CO.,LTD0.0014Metric ton63.63South KoreaN/A
10/15/202448162010HEATSEAL LABEL [100% POLYESTER] #ITGG-25-1540 (116157 EA (1 EA = 0.00000042 TNE))HANSAE CO., LTD0.0498Metric ton2323.14South KoreaN/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Adhesive label under HS code 48162010 Indonesia. We collect Import data of Adhesive label under HS code 48162010 with product anddate.Import data of Adhesive label under HS code 48162010 Indonesia helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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