Get Latest Indonesia 100 cotton shirt Import Data from Australia

Get latest Customs Import data of Indonesia from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

10/31/202416025090100% GROUND BEEF PATTIES BK WHOPPER 4OZCOMGROUP SUPPLIES PTY LTD8965Kilogram44472.4AustraliaTanjung Priok
10/31/202462069000PANTS / TROUSERS WOVEN 98% COTTON 2% ELASTANEWORKWEAR GROUP1Piece116.15AustraliaN/A
10/31/202455142200FABRIC 8257 CLEOLENE COLOUR: 8257 SIZE: 148CM 65% POLYESTER 35% COTTONNOONE IMAGEWEAR200.3Metre612.2AustraliaN/A
10/31/202455142200FABRIC 4042 HEAVY CLEOLENE (8042) COLOUR: 4042 SIZE: 148CM 65% POLYESTER 35% COTTONNOONE IMAGEWEAR219.5Metre780.27AustraliaN/A
10/30/202439172929CONDUIT:CBL;LG 100 M,ID 8.5 MM,OD 13 MMINTERNATIONAL PURVEYORS INCORPORATED2roll194.01AustraliaAmamapare, Ij
10/30/202439172929CONDUIT:CBL;LG 100 M,ID 8.5 MM,OD 13 MMINTERNATIONAL PURVEYORS INCORPORATED1roll97.01AustraliaAmamapare, Ij
10/30/202452010000AUSTRALIAN RAW COTTON 2024 CROP ANDY 1-1/8" G5NAMOI COTTON MARKETING ALLIANCE205795Kilogram423207AustraliaTanjung Priok
10/30/202485392130LAMP:HALGN;HD,100/55 W,12 V,T5-1/2INTERNATIONAL PURVEYORS INCORPORATED3each29.9AustraliaAmamapare, Ij
10/30/202439174000BEND:PIPE;NON-PRSR SMV,100 MM,FEM,45 DEGINTERNATIONAL PURVEYORS INCORPORATED140each158.14AustraliaAmamapare, Ij
10/30/202468052000ABRASIVE:DSC;SNDG,GRT 100,OD 6 ININTERNATIONAL PURVEYORS INCORPORATED12roll553.74AustraliaAmamapare, Ij

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest 100 cotton shirt Import Data of Indonesiafrom Australia. We collect 100 cotton shirt Import Data of Indonesia from Australia with product and date. 100 cotton shirt ImportData of Indonesia from Australia helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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