Get Latest India Import Data of Star trac under HS Code 71023910

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3/11/202471023910RI CPD (CON RET)REF:CONS/85/23-24 Modified Star Brilliant GSI1 GIA : 6462382454 ( 5.43-5.37x4.01 ) 1 PCS. SN:115 BAJRANG DMCC 1CTM 1452.49INDIA PCCCC BANDRAKURLA AIR
3/11/202471023910RI CPD (CON RET)REF:CONS/85/23-24 Modified Star Brilliant EVS2 GIA : 2464424341 ( 5.16-5.06x4.38 ) 1 PCS. SN:116 BAJRANG DMCC 1CTM 2118.21INDIA PCCCC BANDRAKURLA AIR
3/11/202471023910RI CPD (CON RET)REF:CONS/85/23-24 Modified Star Brilliant GVS2 GIA : 2466424407 ( 5.13-5.12x4.22 ) 1 PCS. SN:117 BAJRANG DMCC 1CTM 1936.65INDIA PCCCC BANDRAKURLA AIR
3/11/202471023910RI CPD (CON RET)REF:CONS/85/23-24 Modified Star Brilliant FVS2 GIA : 3465388959 ( 5.29-5.28x3.99 ) 1 PCS. SN:114 BAJRANG DMCC 1CTM 2027.43INDIA PCCCC BANDRAKURLA AIR
3/5/202471023910RI CPD(EXH RET)REF NO.CONS/96/23-24 Modified Star BrilliantI VS2 GIA 6472318669(5.64X5.62X4.22)1Pcs. SN.516 ARJIV EXPORTS 1.14CTM 1854.63INDIA PCCCC BANDRAKURLA AIR
3/5/202471023910RI CPD(EXH RET)REF NO.CONS/96/23-24 Modified Star BrilliantH VS1 GIA 7471825072(4.66X4.57X3.19)1Pcs. SN.469 ARJIV EXPORTS 0.5CTM 442.08INDIA PCCCC BANDRAKURLA AIR
3/5/202471023910RI CPD(EXH RET)REF NO.CONS/96/23-24 Modified Star BrilliantH VS1 GIA 1467483999(4.43X4.39X3.20)1Pcs. SN.470 ARJIV EXPORTS 0.5CTM 442.08INDIA PCCCC BANDRAKURLA AIR
3/5/202471023910RI CPD(EXH RET)REF NO.CONS/96/23-24 Modified Star BrilliantH VS2 GIA 1468839833(4.42X4.36X3.25)1Pcs. SN.486 ARJIV EXPORTS 0.49CTM 311.93INDIA PCCCC BANDRAKURLA AIR
3/5/202471023910RI CPD(EXH RET)REF NO.CONS/96/23-24 Modified Star BrilliantH VS1 GIA 7468659138(3.72X3.71X2.80)1Pcs. SN.505 ARJIV EXPORTS 0.29CTM 124.1INDIA PCCCC BANDRAKURLA AIR
3/5/202471023910RI CPD(EXH RET)REF NO.CONS/96/23-24 Modified Star BrilliantF VS1 GIA 1475277834(3.85X3.79X2.87)1Pcs. SN.1305 ARJIV EXPORTS 0.36CTM 241.91INDIA PCCCC BANDRAKURLA AIR

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Star trac under HS code 71023910 India. We collect Import data of Star trac under HS code 71023910 with product anddate.Import data of Star trac under HS code 71023910 India helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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