Get Latest India School item Import Data from Denmark

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3/31/202496190090BABY DIAPERS Bambo Nature, Size 4, 7-14 kg, Tall Product FSC MIX DNV-COC-000964 ( Main item number 1000019264) ( AS PE ABENA INTERNATIONAL AS 1038.96KGS 4865.68DENMARK SAHAR AIR
3/31/202496190090BABY DIAPERS Bambo Nature, Size 0, 1-3 kg Product FSC MIX DNV-COC-000964 ( Main item number 1000010819) ( AS PER INVOI ABENA INTERNATIONAL AS 107.52KGS 1023.23DENMARK JNPT NHAVA SHEVA SEA
3/31/202496190090BABY DIAPERS Bambo Nature size 6, 16+ kg, Tall Product FSCMIX DNV-COC-000964 ( Main item number 1000019266) ( AS PER ABENA INTERNATIONAL AS 334.8KGS 1507.54DENMARK SAHAR AIR
3/31/202496190090BABY DIAPERS Bambo Nature size 6, 16+ kg.Product FSC MIX DNV-COC-000964 ( Main item number 1000019256) ( AS PER INVOIC ABENA INTERNATIONAL AS 689.76KGS 3061.51DENMARK SAHAR AIR
3/31/202496190090BABY DIAPERS Bambo Nature Pants 6 15+ kg Tall Product FSC MIX DNV-COC-000964 ( Main item number 1000021356) ( AS PER I ABENA INTERNATIONAL AS 627.84KGS 2969.16DENMARK SAHAR AIR
3/31/202496190090BABY DIAPERS Bambo Nature size 5, 12-18 kg Product FSC MIXDNV-COC-000964 ( Main item number 1000019255) ( AS PER INVO ABENA INTERNATIONAL AS 2284.8KGS 10303.91DENMARK JNPT NHAVA SHEVA SEA
3/31/202496190090BABY DIAPERS Bambo Nature size 6, 16+ kg.Product FSC MIX DNV-COC-000964 ( Main item number 1000019256) ( AS PER INVOIC ABENA INTERNATIONAL AS 689.76KGS 3061.51DENMARK JNPT NHAVA SHEVA SEA
3/31/202496190090BABY DIAPERS Bambo Nature Pants 4 7-12 kg Tall Product FSCMIX DNV-COC-000964 ( Main item number 1000021354) ( AS PER ABENA INTERNATIONAL AS 1048.8KGS 4896.23DENMARK SAHAR AIR
3/31/202496190090BABY DIAPERS Bambo Nature, size 4, 7-14 kg Product FSC MIXDNV-COC-000964 ( Main item number 1000019254) ( QTY 10368 ABENA INTERNATIONAL AS 3506.4KGS 16316.87DENMARK JNPT NHAVA SHEVA SEA
3/31/202496190090BABY DIAPERS Bambo Nature size 5, 12-18 kg. Tall Product FSC MIX DNV-COC-000964 ( Main item number 1000019265) ( AS PE ABENA INTERNATIONAL AS 678.24KGS 3039.3DENMARK SAHAR AIR

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest School item Import Data of Indiafrom Denmark. We collect School item Import Data of India from Denmark with product and date. School item ImportData of India from Denmark helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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