Get Latest India Adhesive Import Data from Finland

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3/19/202430051090287310-02 - Mepilex Ag 15x15 cm(SELF ADHESIVE DRESSINGS)(BATCH NO:23387286) Molnlycke Health Care AB 450PCS 1606.62FINLAND TUGLAKABAD ICD
3/19/202430051090284100-01 - Mepilex Lite, 10x10 cm (SELF ADHESIVE DRESSINGS)(BATCH NO:23455002) Molnlycke Health Care AB 450PCS 187.25FINLAND TUGLAKABAD ICD
3/19/202430051090282010-02 - Mepilex Border Sacrum 16x20cm(SELF ADHESIVE DRESSINGS)(BATCH NO:23440183) Molnlycke Health Care AB 1260PCS 1027.36FINLAND TUGLAKABAD ICD
3/19/202430051090595200-00 - Mepilex Border Flex 7.5x7.5cm(SELF ADHESIVE DRESSINGS)(BATCH NO:23471957) Molnlycke Health Care AB 1250PCS 996.78FINLAND TUGLAKABAD ICD
3/19/202430051090671000-17 - Mepore 9x15cm (SELF ADHESIVE DRESSINGS)(BATCH NO23472042) Molnlycke Health Care AB 4000PCS 757.8FINLAND TUGLAKABAD ICD
3/19/202430051090395800-00 - Mepilex Border Ag, 10x20cm(SELF ADHESIVE DRESSINGS)(BATCH NO:23426955) Molnlycke Health Care AB 805PCS 2765.39FINLAND TUGLAKABAD ICD
3/19/202430051090670900-17 - Mepore 9x10cm(SELF ADHESIVE DRESSINGS)(BATCH NO23133228) Molnlycke Health Care AB 400PCS 59.3FINLAND TUGLAKABAD ICD
3/19/202430051090496650-02 - Mepilex Border PostOp 10x35cm (SELF ADHESIVE DRESSINGS)(BATCH NO:23427222) Molnlycke Health Care AB 200PCS 534.31FINLAND TUGLAKABAD ICD
3/19/202430051090287210-00 - Mepilex Ag 10x20 cm(SELF ADHESIVE DRESSINGS)(BATCH NO:23449519) Molnlycke Health Care AB 540PCS 1724.1FINLAND TUGLAKABAD ICD
3/19/202430051090671200-18 - Mepore 9x25cm(SELF ADHESIVE DRESSINGS)(BATCH NO23483153) Molnlycke Health Care AB 4830PCS 1530.5FINLAND TUGLAKABAD ICD

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Adhesive Import Data of Indiafrom Finland. We collect Adhesive Import Data of India from Finland with product and date. Adhesive ImportData of India from Finland helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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