Get Latest Import Data of India from Finland under HS Code 94039100

Get the latest India Import Data from Finland under HS Code 94039100. Find all essential details such as Product Name, Quantity, Unit, Value, Importer Name, Exporter Name, Port of unloading, and shipping information. Stay ahead of your competition with our verified Import Data of India.

3/12/20249403910040506210 TOLKEN countertop 102x49 blk marb eff/fol AP [Actual Quantity: 3 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 21.45KGS 104.37FINLAND BANGALORE ICD
3/12/20249403910000520227 KALLARP door 60x80 high-gloss light grey-blue AP [Actual Quantity: 13 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 67.98KGS 232.2FINLAND BANGALORE ICD
3/12/20249403910040504070 UPPSPEL tbl tp 140 black AP [Actual Quantity: 3 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 61.89KGS 134.87FINLAND BANGALORE ICD
3/12/20249403910070510951 HASVIK slid doors pair 150x201 dark grey AP [ActualQuantity: 10 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 273.18KGS 1285.77FINLAND BANGALORE ICD
3/12/20249403910010510906 MEHAMN 4 pnls f sldng dr frm 100x236 dgrey/bei AP [Actual Quantity: 19 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 147.29KGS 382.13FINLAND BANGALORE ICD
3/12/20249403910000510959 HASVIK NN slid doors pair 150x201 beige AP [ActualQuantity: 10 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 276.56KGS 1285.66FINLAND BANGALORE ICD
3/12/20249403910090527644 MITTZON tbl tp 120 round/blk st ash veneer AP [Actual Quantity: 8 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 126.17KGS 493.24FINLAND BANGALORE ICD
3/12/20249403910090274222 RINGHULT door 20x80 high-gloss white AP CN [ActualQuantity: 8 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 14.46KGS 61.2FINLAND BANGALORE ICD
3/12/20249403910030354702 TOLKEN countertop 82x49 whi marb eff/fol AP [ActualQuantity: 1 NOS] IKEA Supply AG 5.79KGS 26.83FINLAND BANGALORE ICD

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest India Import Data under HSCode 94039100 from Finland.We collect Import data under HS Code 94039100 from Finland with productand date. Import Data of HS Code 94039100 of India from Finland helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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