Get Latest Import Data of India from Germany under HS Code 55021090

Get the latest India Import Data from Germany under HS Code 55021090. Find all essential details such as Product Name, Quantity, Unit, Value, Importer Name, Exporter Name, Port of unloading, and shipping information. Stay ahead of your competition with our verified Import Data of India.

1/24/202455021090000020 00103731 CERDIA FILTER TOW 2.1 Y 22000 HK DULL QUALITY IA [19 BALES] USD CERDIA INTERNATIONAL GMBH 10455KGS 87820.75GERMANY N/A
1/24/202455021090000010 00103731 CERDIA FILTER TOW 2.1Y 22000 HK DULL QUALITYIA [19 BALES] USD CERDIA INTERNATIONAL GMBH 10320KGS 86686.76GERMANY N/A
1/24/202455021090000010 00103172 CERDIA FILTER TOW 2.0 Y 30000 HK DULL QUALITY IA [10 BALES] USD CERDIA INTERNATIONAL GMBH 5708KGS 47946.51GERMANY N/A
1/24/202455021090000020 00103731 CERDIA FILTER TOW 2.1 Y 22000 HK DULL QUALITY IA [11 BALES] USD CERDIA INTERNATIONAL GMBH 6022KGS 50584.08GERMANY N/A
1/24/202455021090000030 00103589 CERDIA FILTER TOW 3.4 Y 34000 HK DULL QUALITY IA [21 BALES] USD CERDIA INTERNATIONAL GMBH 12113KGS 101747.74GERMANY N/A
1/24/202455021090000010 00103589 CERDIA FILTER TOW 3.4 Y 34000 HK DULL QUALITY IA [21 BALES] USD CERDIA INTERNATIONAL GMBH 12144KGS 102008.13GERMANY N/A
1/24/202455021090000040 00103589 CERDIA FILTER TOW 3.4 Y 34000 HK DULL QUALITY IA [4 BALES] USD CERDIA INTERNATIONAL GMBH 2321KGS 19496.13GERMANY N/A
1/24/202455021090000030 00103589 CERDIA FILTER TOW 3.4 Y 34000 HK DULL QUALITY IA [7 BALES] USD CERDIA INTERNATIONAL GMBH 4042KGS 33952.31GERMANY N/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest India Import Data under HSCode 55021090 from Germany.We collect Import data under HS Code 55021090 from Germany with productand date. Import Data of HS Code 55021090 of India from Germany helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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