Get Latest Import Data of India from Austria under HS Code 44149000

Get the latest India Import Data from Austria under HS Code 44149000. Find all essential details such as Product Name, Quantity, Unit, Value, Importer Name, Exporter Name, Port of unloading, and shipping information. Stay ahead of your competition with our verified Import Data of India.

1/10/20244414900020528166 SANNAHED frame 50x50 black AP [Actual Quantity: 13NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 26.53KGS 117.08AUSTRIA N/A
1/10/20244414900040387127 KNOPPANG frame 13x18 black AP [Actual Quantity: 128NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 26.24KGS 126.2AUSTRIA N/A
1/9/20244414900090378446 RIBBA NN frame 10x15 black AP [Actual Quantity: 60NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 14.22KGS 58.5AUSTRIA N/A
1/9/20244414900060365775 HOVSTA frame 21x30 birch effect AP [Actual Quantity: 13 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 5.84KGS 24.19AUSTRIA N/A
1/9/20244414900000466838 HIMMELSBY frame 10x15 white AP [Actual Quantity: 90NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 28.44KGS 123.63AUSTRIA N/A
1/9/20244414900080396323 HOVSTA frame 21x30 dark brown AP [Actual Quantity:65 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 31.14KGS 168.5AUSTRIA N/A
1/9/20244414900020459120 SANNAHED frame 21x30 white AP [Actual Quantity: 18NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 16.11KGS 59.03AUSTRIA N/A
1/9/20244414900000370402 SILVERHOJDEN frame 30x40 gold-colour AP [Actual Quantity: 55 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 34.76KGS 207.15AUSTRIA N/A
1/9/20244414900040378514 VIRSERUM N frame 13x18 gold-colour AP [Actual Quantity: 22 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 6.95KGS 43.62AUSTRIA N/A
1/9/20244414900040559538 PLOMMONTRAD frame 13x18 whi stained pine effect AP[Actual Quantity: 36 NOS] INR IKEA Supply AG 10.12KGS 43.07AUSTRIA N/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest India Import Data under HSCode 44149000 from Austria.We collect Import data under HS Code 44149000 from Austria with productand date. Import Data of HS Code 44149000 of India from Austria helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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