Get India Import Data from South africa to Onsan port under HS Code 27101971

Uncover the unique India Import Data from South africa to Onsan Port under HS Code 27101971 along with Product name, Unit, Quantity, Price, Buyer name, Port of Unloading & shipment information. Expand your business in India Market using an impactful data-driven strategy.

9/30/202327101971BASE OIL ARAMCO PRIMA 150 IN BULK ( Viscosity at 40 deg c 40cst max.) S OIL CORPORATION 37.499MTS 33523.64South KoreaOnsan
9/30/202327101971BASE OIL ARAMCO PRIMA 500 (TM:1175043 DT:19.07.2023) SOIL CORPORATION 100MTS 94180.05South KoreaOnsan
9/30/202327101971BASE OIL,ARAMCO PRIMA 500 (IN BULK) SOIL CORPORATION 297.389MTS 276810.6South KoreaOnsan
9/30/202327101971IN BULK BASE OIL ARAMCO ULTRA 4 (SS100H) - PTR NO.1174597 DT.17.07.2023) MS IDEMITSU LUBE ASIA PACIFIC PTE 300MTS 404461.18South KoreaOnsan
9/30/202327101971BASE OIL ARAMCO ULTRA 2 (TOBS) (LIQUID BULK) SOIL CORPORATION 1021.031MTS 863693.07South KoreaOnsan
9/30/202327101971BASE OIL,ARAMCO PRIMA 500 (IN BULK) SOIL CORPORATION 200MTS 186160.63South KoreaOnsan
9/30/202327101971BASE OIL ARAMCO ULTRA 3 IN BULK ( Viscosity at 40 deg c 40 cst max.) (PTR NO.1176441 DT.28.07.2023 IMP-899 / IA DT.28.07 S OIL CORPORATION 64.254MTS 53546.56South KoreaOnsan
9/30/202327101971BASE OIL ARAMCO PRIMA 500S (TM. NO.1163533 DT:02.05.2023) SOIL CORPORATION 100MTS 92069.3South KoreaOnsan
9/30/202327101971BASE OIL ARAMCO ULTRA 8 IN BULK (PTR NO.1181286 DT.29.08.23.IMP NO.1072/IA DT.29.08.23) S OIL CORPORATION 479.718MTS 433244.66South KoreaOnsan
9/30/202327101971BASE OIL ARAMCO ULTRA 3 IN BULK (VISCOSITY@40 DEG C 40 CST MAX)(PTR NO.1176441 DT.28.07.2023 IMP-899 / IA DT.28.07.2023) S OIL CORPORATION 280.602MTS 233841.83South KoreaOnsan

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest HS Code 27101971 Import Data of India from South africa at Onsan. We collect HS Code 27101971 Import Data of India from South africa at Onsan with product and date.HS Code 27101971 Import Data of India from South africa at Onsan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points. International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and market research to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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