Get Latest India E glass Export Data to India

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3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG E VVS1 5.92x 2.89 2.08 924001504 JGS SR.NO 35 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.4CTM 818.25INDIANA
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG E VVS1 5.19x 3.45 2.44 424002695 JGS SR.NO 47 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.46CTM 893.52INDIANA
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG E VVS2 6.60x 3.27 2.05 924102008 JGS SR.NO 49 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.48CTM 932.37INDIANA
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG E VVS1 6.67x 3.32 2.45 624001339 JGS SR.NO 64 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.56CTM 1374.43INDIANA
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG E VVS1 5.70x 3.06 2.22 524002843 JGS SR.NO 38 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.43CTM 835.25INDIANA
3/31/202471023910RI CPD(CER RET)REF NO.273/23-24/CM SB NO.8384722 DT.16-MAR-2024 CCRMB SI2 E (10.95x8.00x5.57)Certi No.5231232675 SN.4 GEMOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA INC 4.2CTM 44842.72INDIANA
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG E IF 6.50 x3.25 2.25 924002973 JGS SR.NO 58 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.5CTM 1278.26INDIANA
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG E VVS2 5.66x 3.75 2.69 223736116 JGS SR.NO 77 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.6CTM 1380.34INDIANA
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG E VVS1 6.24x 2.83 2 824103411 JGS SR.NO 24 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.38CTM 660.47INDIANA
3/31/202471023910RI CPD(CER RET)REF NO.278/23-24/CM SB NO.8547896 DT.22-MAR-2024 EC VVS1 E (11.33x8.04x5.16)Certi No.2235238276 SN.5 GEMOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA INC 4.51CTM 105512.07INDIANA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest E glass Export Data of Indiafrom India. We collect E glass Export Data of India to India with product and date. E glass ExportData of India from India helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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