Get Latest Export Data of India to India under HS Code 71023910

Get the latest India Export Data to India under HS Code 71023910. Find all essential details such as Product Name, Quantity, Unit, Value, Importer Name, Exporter Name, Port of loading, and shipping information. Stay ahead of your competition with our verified Export Data of India.

3/31/202471023910RI CPD(CER RET)REF NO.278/23-24/CM SB NO.8547896 DT.22-MAR-2024 RB VS1 H EX (11.64-11.72x7.18)Certi No.2235238208 SN.2 GEMOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF AMERICA INC 6.02CTM 123848.37INDIANA
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG E VVS1 5.92x 2.89 2.08 924001504 JGS SR.NO 35 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.4CTM 818.25INDIANA
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG E VVS1 5.19x 3.45 2.44 424002695 JGS SR.NO 47 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.46CTM 893.52INDIANA
3/31/202471023910RE IMP CPD (CON RET) EXP REF NO.DCC/407/23-24 BG F VVS2 5.45x 3.55 2.44 624002893 JGS SR.NO 52 WINDIAM ISRAEL LTD 0.46CTM 823.25INDIANA
3/31/202471023910CPD RE-IMP LOT NO. 35 CONS/8039/23-24 Round Brilliant(ROUND)SI2 H 8.03-7.98x5.06 IGI-602319793 GOPI DIAM INC 2.01CTM 7123.86INDIANA
3/31/202471023910CPD RE-IMP LOT NO. 37 CONS/8039/23-24 RBC(ROUND) SI1 L 8.03-8.08x5.04 GIA-5483443481 GOPI DIAM INC 2.01CTM 6450.2INDIANA
3/31/202471023910CPD RE-IMP LOT NO. 90 CONS/8039/23-24 RBC(ROUND) SI2 G 7.41-7.45x4.66 GIA-1488712885 GOPI DIAM INC 1.6CTM 6181.78INDIANA
3/31/202471023910CPD RE-IMP LOT NO. 103 CONS/8039/23-24 CMB(CUSHION) SI1 H 6.36x6.24x4.42 GIA-7482455713 GOPI DIAM INC 1.52CTM 3367.78INDIANA
3/31/202471023910CPD RE-IMP LOT NO. 116 CONS/8039/23-24 OB(OVAL) SI2 I 8.53x6.35x4.01 GIA-6475261243 GOPI DIAM INC 1.5CTM 3027.34INDIANA
3/31/202471023910CPD RE-IMP LOT NO. 119 CONS/8039/23-24 OB(OVAL) SI2 I 8.71x6.38x4.12 GIA-2464399257 GOPI DIAM INC 1.5CTM 2859.24INDIANA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest India Export Data under HSCode 71023910 to India.We collect Export data under HS Code 71023910 from India with productand date. Export Data of HS Code 71023910 of India from India helps to analyze Export price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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