Get Latest Bangladesh Import Data of Plating chemical under HS Code 39129000

Discover latest Bangladesh shipment data of Plating chemical under HS code 39129000. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Bangladesh Import Data.

12/27/202339129000Cellulose And Its Chemical Derivatives, In Primary Forms, Nes PH.RAW.MAT.HPMC(HYPROMELLOSE)JIANGSU GTIG HUATAI CO LTD650Drum8710ChinaN/A
12/27/202339129000Cellulose And Its Chemical Derivatives, In Primary Forms, Nes CELLULOSEGLORIA INTERCHEM PVT LTD0.8Package5IndiaN/A
12/27/202339129000Cellulose And Its Chemical Derivatives, In Primary Forms, Nes HYDROXYPROPYL METHYL CELLULOSEPRECISE PHARMA INDUSTRIES250Drum4981.7ChinaN/A
12/26/202339129000Cellulose And Its Chemical Derivatives, In Primary Forms, Nes MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE- M101MING TAI CHEMICAL CO LTD5500Pallet32200TaiwanN/A
12/26/202339129000Cellulose And Its Chemical Derivatives, In Primary Forms, Nes CARBOXYMETHYL CELLULOSELINYI YIDALI CHEMICAL COLTD1.6Package10ChinaN/A
12/26/202339129000Cellulose And Its Chemical Derivatives, In Primary Forms, Nes NEOCEL C91MING TAI CHEMICAL CO LTD500Pallet32200TaiwanN/A
12/26/202339129000Cellulose And Its Chemical Derivatives, In Primary Forms, Nes MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSE - M102MING TAI CHEMICAL CO LTD3000Pallet32200TaiwanN/A
12/24/202339129000Cellulose And Its Chemical Derivatives, In Primary Forms, Nes PH.R.M:METHOCEL K100 PREMIUM LVCR HYDROXYPROPYL METHYLCELLULOSE (IFF)COLORCON ASIA PVT LIMITED1000Pallet137414.75IndiaN/A
12/24/202339129000Cellulose And Its Chemical Derivatives, In Primary Forms, Nes MICRO CRYSTALL-INE CELLULOSE & CARMELL OSE SOIDUM (NEDCEL C91)MINGTAI CHEMICAL CO LTD100Package1500IndiaN/A
12/24/202339129000Cellulose And Its Chemical Derivatives, In Primary Forms, Nes PH.R.M:METHOCEL K200M PREMIUM CR HYDROXYPROPYL METHYLCELLULOSE (DUPONT /IFF)COLORCON ASIA PVT LIMITED300Pallet137414.75IndiaN/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Plating chemical under HS code 39129000 Bangladesh. We collect Import data of Plating chemical under HS code 39129000 with product anddate.Import data of Plating chemical under HS code 39129000 Bangladesh helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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