Get Latest Bangladesh Plating chemical Import Data from India

Get latest Customs Import data of Bangladesh from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

12/28/202338099300Finishing Agents Etc. Of A Kind Used In The Leather Or Like Industries Nes CHEMICAL FOR LEATHER INDUS. FINISHING AGENTS (P27154-PABI 27-154)STAHL INDIA PVT LTD840Drum44012IndiaN/A
12/28/202339073000Epoxide Resins, In Primary Forms CHEMICAL ENDRING ADHESIVE SCR53SPGPRINTS BV60Package10179.8IndiaN/A
12/28/202329291000Isocyanates CHEMICAL RETOUCHING LACQUER SCR-52SSPGPRINTS BV25Package10179.8IndiaN/A
12/28/202339089000Other polymides, in primary forms, nes CHEMICAL ENDRING CATALYST SCR53CSPGPRINTS BV48Package10179.8IndiaN/A
12/27/202332041600Reactive Dyes And Preparations Based Thereon SAMPLE CHEMICAL DYESINDOKEM LTD3.09999Package16IndiaN/A
12/27/202339129000Cellulose And Its Chemical Derivatives, In Primary Forms, Nes CELLULOSEGLORIA INTERCHEM PVT LTD0.8Package5IndiaN/A
12/27/202329224900Oth.Amino-Acids&Their Esters,>1 Kind Of Oxygen Function; Salts Thereof,Nes TEXTILE CHEMICAL NTA POWDERSAVVY COLORS400Bag7064IndiaN/A
12/26/202332041700Pigments And Preparations Based Thereon NON HAZ CHEMICAL PERMANENT YELLOWHEUBACH COLORANTS INDIA LTD0.899999Package5IndiaN/A
12/26/202338249100Mixtures and preparations consisting mainly of (5-ethyl-2-methyl-2-....... CHEMICAL, RO ANTISCALANT (PH BOOSTER)SMART N GREEN CONTROL TECH NOLOGIES PVT LTD424.999Drum1181IndiaN/A
12/26/202332041700Pigments And Preparations Based Thereon NON HAZ CHEMICAL CCYELLOW,RED,VISCOFIL RUBINCHEUBACH COLORANTS INDIA LTD3Package15IndiaN/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Plating chemical Import Data of Bangladeshfrom India. We collect Plating chemical Import Data of Bangladesh from India with product and date. Plating chemical ImportData of Bangladesh from India helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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