Get Latest Bangladesh Plate hanger Import Data from India

Get latest Customs Import data of Bangladesh from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

12/27/202332061920Color master batch MASTERBATCH (USED FOR HANGER)MAINETTI INDIA PVT LTD550Package3165IndiaN/A
12/27/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 PLASTIC HANGER - 20753 PCSJV PLASTIC INDUSTRIES INDIA PVT LTD3227.85Box9966.12IndiaN/A
12/27/202339269099PVC scrn.having intrnl.dia.from 4-8 Mulch and strct.thereof used in agri.& hoti.,nes HANGER SIZER 21580 PCSJV PLASTIC INDUSTRIES INDIA PVT LTD10.7Box9966.12IndiaN/A
12/26/202339201090Plates..,Of Polymers Of Ethylene, Laminated.. Not Reinforced,Etc.,Nes PLASTIC PLATE (65900 PCS)VIJYASHREE PACKAGING1018.43Carton23867.2IndiaN/A
12/24/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 HANGER SIZER (37579 PCS)JV PLASTUIC INDUSTRIES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED19Carton12465IndiaN/A
12/24/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 PLASTIC HANGER WITH LOGO WITH STICK SIZE : 17;18 (37530 PCS)JV PLASTUIC INDUSTRIES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED4243.24Carton12465IndiaN/A
12/24/202340059900Compounded Rubber, Unvulcanized, In Primary Forms ACC: RUBBER GRIPPER USED FOR HANGER =2900,000 PCSMAINETTI INDIA PVT LTD1800.9Package23000IndiaN/A
12/24/202332121000Stamping Foils PRINTING FOIL (USED FOR HANGER)KURZ INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED730Package16228.63IndiaN/A
12/23/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 HANGERJAY JAY MILLSINDIAPRIVATE LTD1063.8Package89767.83IndiaN/A
12/23/202339262090Art.Of App.&Clothing Accessories(Exl.Gloves)Of Plastics Hd.No.39.01-39.04 HANGER AND SIZERJAY JAY MILLSINDIAPRIVATE LTD688.798Package87147.51IndiaN/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Plate hanger Import Data of Bangladeshfrom India. We collect Plate hanger Import Data of Bangladesh from India with product and date. Plate hanger ImportData of Bangladesh from India helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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